The Resistance 0001 [Cancelled]

Should I post one of my videos from my channel that explains this?

absolutely not


you think what youā€™re doing actually works?

thatā€™s laughable

are you going to tell me to perish now

because you sound like an early game final fantasy miniboss

NiCe CoNtRaDiCtInG


Soā€¦Mr. Hacker.

Convince me why you are not hacker :wink:

dang you got me i was the 4th spy all along


absolutely not

Soā€¦Mr. Hacker.

Convince me why Marl is hacker :wink:


tinfoil hat:

Marl is False Commander and Ici is Bodyguard who thinkā€™s heā€™s blue

because the upcoming nodes are going to speak for themselves

Iā€™m getting a Town Lean from Marl over here.

What does this even mean

no green in this game :b:oi