The Resistance 0001 [Cancelled]

Note: This video doesn’t cover the special roles and with more people more players go on missions but the gist is there. @bazingaboy

Thank you very much! Resistance doesn’t seem as well known, and I think it is a fantastic game.

To add to MathBlade here, a 10 player game will have 3 people on the first mission, 4 on the second and third, and 5 on the fourth and fifth. The fourth mission will require two Imperials to fail it. @bazingaboy

I will have this all in a nicely designed package when the game starts.


Me too. When we have a lot of people at my place it gets played a lot. Hence why I am not /in’ing as I don’t want to make the site meta. I want things to develop naturally


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A moderator in my game UwU

4th FoL/FM game… /join

kill me.

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Bump, bloop only need 1 more!


Capital “O”

That’s a no


Capital “B”

No /join from me


Takes three tries?

“Yes” is lies.



Have you finished Made in Abyss yet


if i say yes will you join

counter counter question have you finished Ward yet

no I still have work just no more exams

If it ain’t full by this weekend ping me again