The Resistance 0001 [Cancelled]

This reads like scum knowing there aren’t any scum in the selection and wanting to appear town in the long run by saying they’d concede if the mission fails.

I’m a lot more confident in this mission’s success now.

if this vote fails we dont have to concede

So what you’re saying is “hey if this fails let’s give the inperials the win” yeah no thanks

if this fails the imperials win

If you want to concede refuse the node

they just fucking win immediately

s c u m m y p o s t??

w o l f y p o s t??

I mean if they fail thje mission, they cant fail this

You don’t accept nodes when you think there are hackers in them to ‘Test Reactions’. You are a hacker.

@anon98616575 Ici’s selection is above, if you’re around to process it. (Post 791)


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@anon98616575 ici confirmed his selection
can we just auto accept the node since no one is going to reject it (or they’d be gamethrowing)

RIP the game?

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Where did he say that

In my rolecard

Add me to it

Well this is now canned
@Jazz You are the Commander and I’m the Assassin. You were my kill 100% of the time.

I’m correct in my read, yeah?

@Insanity is the royal guard who knew your identity as Commander