The Resistance 0001 [Cancelled]

I will try hosting it in the future, unless someone else wants to. I can share my templates with you.


Here you go.

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In case anyone was interested.

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Are you deleting messages?

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@Kirefitten speak of this to no one

Speak what of no one? That I like cake? I really do like cakeā€¦

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Jesus Baz

You played horribly

Nothing anyone did mattered after Insanity blew Jazzā€™s cover

I think itā€™s stupid to ever include an all knowing town in a game tbh

Not really. Commander makes the game 10x more interesting.

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Avalon was critically acclaimed to be better when released. Thatā€™s why they retroactively released an expansion for Resistance.

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Merlin is bae.

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Iā€™m sorry I canned the game, life threw a curveball at me. :frowning_face:

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And with recent events ousting me from the community, I wasnā€™t really able to keep the game going.

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Itā€™s okay man

Sidenote holy fuck being Commander is stressful


Imagine having all the answers, and being unable to say anything.

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I havenā€™t read the sheet yet Iā€™m gonna guess the Deep Cover was Bluestorm

Ici makes sense too