The Resistance 0001 [Cancelled]

These two things.

Why was this changed from Captain to Leader btw?

Terminology used in the actual game.

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suspicious potential signaling

what if blue is scum

@meteoro why did you pick all afks

and by all afks I mean bluestorm

/accept i guess

I picked randomly

All votes are preferrably done in DM, although they will be public. Please use the DM in the future.

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Sorry for paying attention to bigger discussions in other games

And actually I have been paying vague attention to this thread

I do agree that it’d be braindead for spies to fail this immediately

Thats what you want me to think, but you didnt.

But literally any spy who fail on mission 1 will certainly get caught.

How is a game with 10 players already ded

because there’s nothing to say

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The voting phase will end in 8 hours. Please get your vote in.

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The votes are in!

Accepted: Meteoro, Insanity, WazzaAzza, BlueStorm, bazingaboy, Boopydoop, MaximusPrime

Rejected: Margaret, Icibalus, Marluxion

The vote was accepted!

The first mission is active!

Deadline is 12/22/2018 at 18:00 EST

Are we not going to do this like Mindnight

Also, if this gets hacked, we told you so.

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inb4 scumteam

this isn’t mindnight