The Return of the Triple Threat SFoL Class Cards + Info

Xed? badumtss

Like I want it to be too

Like I want it to be too as itā€™s not fun to play unbalanced games

Honestly we wonā€™t know how it goes until itā€™s tested tbh.

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Rn I think the balancing is p decent imo

The MM buff was needed to keep up with cult

In fol
Cult > unseen

Let the person have an option to deny being converted into sheriff/paladin
So they donā€™t screw their team if they are needed.
Also so evils have a reasonable claim as why they didnā€™t get converted

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I agree. But what should happen like if they deny

Iā€™ll also allow players to deny prince

idk :thinking:

The person they checked last time?

Redirecting it to a random non unique bd player isnā€™t really an option as first player will deny it this confirming 2 players


This is difficult tbh

Well redirecting it confirms 2 people so yeah.

So letā€™s leave it at accept or deny

They must be pretty important if they deny tbh

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Itā€™s only prince sheriff or paladin who would deny.

Hunter maybe

But bd doesnā€™t need any more buffs from here so letā€™s leave it at accept or deny

Or a class they need say a noble because they lose majority without the double vote, a butler cause they need to nightshade the king, there is a lot of situations where being converted can lose you the game.

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Not, if only BD/Town is getting screwed. :wink:

But also like triple threat 2
Unseen have convert priority over cult