#The Egotist
Neutral Wildcard
Sin of Pride(Passive) - You may not be protected by anything but yourself
Bump Off(Night) - Kill a player through immunity - 1 use
Immortal Sin(Night) - Survive death tonight - 3 uses(I guess)
Objective: Kill a player and see their faction lose(and then gloat about it)
#The Thief
Neutral Wildcard
Sin of Greed(Passive) - You will show as guilty to all investigations(he hordes stuff from the baddies so he looks like a baddie
Steal(Night) - Steal a player’s night ability, occupying them, killers will see they have nothing and leave them alone(Death Immunity) - Infinite Uses
Objective: Steal from every living player
#The Outsider
Neutral Wildcard
Sin of Envy(Passive) - You know which classes visit you at night (and are mad jealous of them)
Replacement(Night) - Take another player’s class, but keep your win condition, they will become an Outsider, but keep their win condition - Infinite uses
"Not to name names"(Day) - Choose a player and a class that is not Outsider or a Royal, they will die the following night if you are correct - 2 uses
Objective: Successfully replace someone, and then kill the new Outsider
#The Soldier
Neutral Killer
Sin of Wrath(Passive) - You are unkillable at night
Brawl(Night) - Challenge someone to a fight, you win and kill them, huzzah! - Infinite Uses
Gather Metal(Night) - Gain 1 Metal - Infinite uses
"He owes me a favour"(Day) - Get your Blacksmith friend to forge you some knuckle dusters, making Brawl pierce immunity - Costs 1 Metal
Objective: Survive with only other Survivors
#The Connoisseur
Neutral Offensive
Sin of Gluttony(Passive) - Your fat protects you from the first attempt on your life
Great Banquet(Night) - Invite a player to a feast, forcing them to visit you - Infinite Uses
Foul Smelling Feast(Night) - Anyone who visits you will visit themselves instead - 3 uses
Objective: Destroy the Blue Dragon
#The Sleepwalker
Neutral Investigative
Sin of Sloth(Passive) - You cannot use your ability consecutively
Wander(Night) - Discover a player’s class type - Infinite uses
Nap(Day) - You are immune to death tonight(because sleeping in main room not personal room), however you cannot speak or vote for the rest of the day, nor can you perform your night ability - 4 uses
Objective: Survive
#The Succubus
Neutral Offensive
Sin of Lust(Passive) - You must use your ability, if you choose no target you will visit a player at random
Seduction(Night) - Go to a player’s house and seduce them them, draining them of their life essence, if anyone else visits them they will die - Infinite Uses
Blow Kiss(Day) - Blow a kiss to a player, disabling their night ability tonight - 3 uses
Objective: Destroy the Blue Dragon
Thief now protects their target
Succubus objective changed
Succubus and Connoisseur gained type: Offensive
Thief gained type: Wildcard
Outsider gained type: Wildcard
Succubus’ ability got a name
Egotist objective changed
Egotist gained type: Wildcard