The Siege on Xed 4.0 Thread (WIP)

That is Cancer dont add it

You are cancer


The Mind Flayer is my baby and Firekitten rekt with it so I had to nerf him ;-;

calm down everyone.

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I dream one day, the mind flayer will be added to FoL

I mean. I feel it’s a little too complex to be in FoL imo.

I’d love it but it’s really advanced as a NK

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Add to Xed

Idea forming…

Class name: Captain Barbossa. I’m feeling like referencing some Pirates of the Caribbean.

I need some ideas for key concepts.

I want to see NK with conversion
Btw you could just have NK slot And whoever rolls it can choose NK they want to play

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The Puppet Master :shield: :crossed_swords:

Neutral Killer
Behind the Curtain (Passive) - You are immune to occupation, redirection and death.
Master’s Command (Passive) - You and your puppet will have a separate chat. If you or the Puppet dies, the chat will cease to exist.
Stage Directions (Day) - Find out who a selected player visited and who visited them last night. [4 Uses]
Attach (Night) - Convert a player into the Puppet. You can only have one puppet at a time. [Infinite Uses]
The Show Must Go On (Night) - Kill a player without the use of a Puppet. The attack will bypass death immunity. [3 Uses]
Goal: Destroy both the major factions and any neutrals who may stand in your way.

The Puppet

Neutral Special
Loyalty (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection. If the Puppet Master dies, you will die as well.
Master’s Command (Passive) - You and your master will have a separate chat. If you or the Puppet Master dies, the chat will cease to exist.
Deadly Strings (Night) - Attack a player. [Infinite Uses]
Master Above All (Night) - Prevent all visits towards the Puppet Master. [3 Uses]
Goal: Ensure the Puppet Master wins the game.

Not Pirate flavored.

I’ll change that.

I’m probably just going to remove the Navy. Well it was fun while it lasted but I honestly don’t know how I’d make another scum faction for Xed.

Without making it halfassed that is.

I’ll help!

Plz I want navy

We need halfassed factions

I mean if someone else could make it for me I’d appreciate it.

We may talk on Discord if you want to talk about the Navy.

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If you think faction is UP just remove limit cap And conversion cooldown

I have no discord, only discourse