The Siege on Xed 4.0 Thread (WIP)


Green Kraken

Welcome back everyone. I have finally decided to unveil Siege on Xed 4.0.


You know the gamemode I made that I always love to joke about because the two previous games have had many issues. Well I truly do think it can work this time… I will be updating the thread as soon as possible.

Changes from 3.0 + Decided new content.

  • Much balancing for Green Kraken classes making them less confirmable.
  • Minimised RNG needed for the host.
  • Cult Killer - Acolyte made with Livicus
  • The Lockermaster Neutral Killer. Based off Davy Jones. Firekitten helped here.

Upcoming New Content

  • 4 NEW Green Kraken classes. The Boarder (Killer), Deserter (Investigative - Navy Hardcounter), The Undecided Name (Support), Another Undecided Name (Investigative).
  • Navy faction.
  • Two New Neutral Killers. (This includes the winner of the NK Contest)

I have also decided to format this as the FoL classcards thread formatted it.

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The Green Kraken - Classcap 3

The Bard :shield:

Green Kraken Social
Musical Network (Passive) - You will start the game with two players in your network. If a dead player is in your network, they will be removed from it tomorrow morning. You will always have access to your musical network if it exists, even upon class change.
In Space, No One Can Hear You Scream (Passive) - Once you die or become Captain. Your network will cease to exist. This passive will always carry upon class change, even if you already have 2 passives as that class.
Song’s Beginning (Before Day 2) - Select two players to be in your Musical Network at the beginning of the game, they cannot be the Captain. The Network will be created once you have selected your two players. (If this is not used by Day 2, your starting network players will be randomised) - 1 use
Song of Connections (Day) - Targeted living or dead player will be added to the network chat tonight. You may not add the Captain. - Infinite uses - 1 night cooldown
Song of Disapproval (Night) - Remove target player from your Musical Network at the end of the night. - Infinite uses
Song of Rebirth (Plunder) - Upon death. You are able to speak in your network until it is completely gone.
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen, Cult or Navy and any Neutrals that oppose you.

Converts into The Versifier or The Apostle
Cult Points: 1 - Each ability costs: varies
Free and Forced to take:
(Musical Network)
(In Space No One Can Hear You Scream)
these do not override Dark Words
1 Point:
(Song of Connections) - 4 uses - 1 night cooldown
(Song of Disapproval) - 4 uses

The Boarder

Green Kraken Killer
Jump Ship (Day) - All players visiting you tonight will be redirected to target player, bypassing redirection immunities. - 1 use
Cutlass Trap (Night) - If the one of the targets target the other target. You will occupy and attack them. If you kill a Green Kraken, you will commit suicide along with the kill. - Infinite uses
Poisonous Holdup (Night) - If targeted player leaves their room tonight. They will be poisoned sometime tomorrow. If you kill a Green Kraken with this ability, you will lose all remaining uses - 2 uses
Complete Halt (Plunder) - Select two targets. If one of your targets kill somebody, it will be prevented. If one of your targets kill the other target, the attacking target will die, the attacked target will remain unaffected with this ability. If both of your targets kill, neither will be prevented.
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen, Cult or Navy and any Neutrals that oppose you.

Converts into The Berserker or The Acolyte
Cult Points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Cutlass Trap): Trap of Mithras (Night) - If the one of the targets target the other target. You will occupy and attack them. - 3 uses
(Poisonous Holdup): Holdup of Mithras (Night)- If targeted player leaves their room tonight. They will be poisoned sometime tomorrow. The second use of this ability will expend one use of the Cult Leader’s Inject - 2 uses

The Cooper

Green Kraken Offensive
Wall of Barrels (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection.
Roast Pork (Day) - Targeted player will be occupied today and tonight. - Infinite uses
Nightly Preparations (Night) - Roast Pork will bypass occupy immunity tomorrow. - 1 use
Barrel Drop (Night) - Kill the Captain tonight. If you kill a Good Captain, you will commit suicide. Cannot be used until Night 3. - 1 use
All You Can Eat Buffet (Plunder) - Targeted player will be occupied all of tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen, Cult or Navy and any Neutrals that oppose you.

Converts into The Steward or The Invoker
Cult Points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alts:
(Roast Pork) - 3 uses
(Barrel Drop) Mithras Infused Barrel (Night) - Kill the Captain tonight. If you kill a Devout Captain, you will commit suicide. - 1 use

The Deck Hand

Green Kraken Support
Wall Off (Day) - The targeted player will not be able to be visited tonight. - 2 uses - Self targetable
Loose Plank (Night) - If there is a player attempting to convert, occupy, redirect, frame or warp targeted player they will be occupied bypassing occupy immunity. - Infinite uses
Quality Materials (Night) - Make sure the player’s night ability will work no matter what. This will have no effect on Special or Killing classes. This will not make players bypass immunities on their target. - Infinite uses
All You Can Eat Buffet (Plunder) - Targeted player will be occupied all of tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen, Cult or Navy and any Neutrals that oppose you.

Converts into The Engineer or The Ritualist
Cult Points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Wall Off) - 1 use
(Loose Plank) - 3 uses
(Quality Materials) Timber of Corax (Night) - Make sure the targeted player’s night ability will work no matter what. (Does not bypass convert immunity or cooldown for Brainwash) - 2 uses*

The Deserter :crossed_swords:

Green Kraken Investigative
Barbaric Routes (Day) - If the player you target with Corporal Testing is a member of the Navy tonight, you will kill them bypassing immunities. - 1 use
Corporal Testing (Night) - Test if targeted player is a member of the Navy. - Infinite uses
? (Night) - Prevent all Navy plunder abilities from working tonight - 1 use
? (Plunder) - Find out when the most recent Navy plunder ability was used.
Your objective is to defeat the Navy and any Neutrals that oppose you.

Converts into The ???
Credit to Livicus and Luxy for helping

The First Mate :shield: :crossed_swords:

Green Kraken Offensive
Get Out (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.
Natural Leader (Passive) - Upon voting a new captain, your votes will privately count as two.
Punishment (Day) - Punish targeted player to scrub the deck. You and them may send each other two different 1000 character messages, visits to them will be prevented and they will be prevented from doing any actions. Any feedback from day abilities will not be received.
Shark’s Curse (Night) - Force the currently punished player to target a specific player tomorrow night, bypassing redirection immunity. - 2 uses
Shark’s Gift (Night) - Punished player will be allowed to use their abilities and receive ability feedback tonight. - 1 use
Lie Detector (Plunder) - If your current punished player’s claim does not fit it’s Investigation pairing (Killer/Offensive, Support/Social, Special/Investigative). You will be notified at the end of the night.
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen, Cult or Navy and any Neutrals that oppose you.

Convert Immune
Credit to Whammerist for Plunder Ability idea.

The Gunslinger :shield:

Green Kraken Killer
A Pirate’s Life (Passive) - Immune to redirection but not occupation. Every three nights, you will gain a usage of Barrel Explosion
Only At My Best (Passive) - After a successful use of Aboard the Mary Jane, you may not use night abilities until you are healed.
Barrel Explosion (Day) - Load up your barrels with gunpowder, killing your target at the end of the day bypassing death immunity. You will lose the passive, A Pirate’s Life and all uses of this ability if you kill a Green Kraken with this ability. - 0 Uses
Aboard the Mary Jane (Night) - Protect a target player. If a Cult/Unseen tries to visit the target, you will kill them. Does not bypass immunity. If you successfully attack a player (even if immune) you will be poisoned sometime the next day and die in two nights unless you are healed. - 3 Uses
Blight of Insanity (Night) - Protect a target player. If the Neutral Killer tries to visit the target, you will find out who the Neutral Killer is. You will die if the Neutral Killer visits your target unless healed. - 2 uses
Cannon’s Away (Plunder) - Target a player. If any Killers or Unseen/Cult visit, they will be killed. Bypasses night immunity (Does not include Mastermind).
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen, Cult or Navy and any Neutrals that oppose you.

Converts into The Outlaw or The Acolyte
Cult Points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(A Pirate’s Life) A Cultist’s Life - Every three nights, you will gain a usage of Voodoo Doll
(Barrel Explosion) Voodoo Doll - Kill target player at the end of the day. - Amount of uses before convert
(Aboard the Mary Jane) Aboard the Mithras Jane - Protect a target Cultist. All Green Kraken visiting them will die tonight. Does not bypass immunities. - 1 use
(Cannons Away) Targeted Hex - Select a Green Kraken/Neutral class from the class list, you will be able to kill everyone who is that specific class. Bypassing heals (does not include Reaper’s Consume Soul).

Credit to Margaret

The Loyal Captain :shield: :crossed_swords:

Green Kraken Special
Leader of the Crew (Passive) - There must always be a captain. If you are killed, a new captain must be voted for the following day. If you are executed for treason, all future captains will be unable to use ‘Plunder yer Booty’
My Word is Law (Passive) - Your votes to accuse players passively count as 2.
Plunder yer Booty (Day) - Grant a player treasure. This enables them to use their special plunder ability once. Cannot be used on the same player twice. - Unlimited Uses, 1 Day Cooldown.
Coup de Grace (Day) - Reset all votes. Only you and target player may be voted today, the day phase will be ended in 24 hours upon use of this. - 1 use.
Keep Watch (Night) - Protect a player, making them immune to attacks tonight. - 3 Uses.
Into the Brig! (Night) - Unseen/Cult will be unable to visit targeted player tonight. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen, Cult or Navy and any Neutrals that oppose you.

Convert Immune
Credit to Marl

The Navigator

Green Kraken Investigative
Natural Leader (Passive) - Upon voting a new captain, your votes will privately count as two. You will keep this passive upon class change.
Parrot’s Sight (Day) - See the result of target dead player’s final ability tonight. Even if they would not be notified normally. You will not know who was targeted. - 2 uses
Crow’s Nest (Day) - Learn if target player used a day ability at the start of tonight. - Infinite uses
Telescope (Night) - See who target player targeted tonight. - Infinite uses
Extra Crackers (Plunder) - You may see who target player targeted tonight and who visited them.
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen, Cult or Navy and any Neutrals that oppose you.

Converts into The Onlooker or The Seeker
Cult Points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
(Crow’s Nest) Cultist’s Nest - Learn if target player used a day ability and who they targeted if they did. - 3 uses
(Telescope) - 3 uses

Credit to Firekitten

The Plunder Organiser :shield:

Green Kraken Support
Natural Leader (Passive) - Upon voting a new captain, your votes will privately count as two. You will keep this passive upon class change.
Secretive Plunder (Day) - Grant a player treasure. This enables them to use their special plunder ability once. Cannot be used on a player who has already gained a plunder ability. - 3 uses - One day cooldown.
Authority (Night) - Prevent visits to targeted player if they were to use their plunder ability. - 2 uses
Hijack (Night) - Remove target player’s privilege to use a plunder ability - 1 use
Prestige (Plunder) - Give targeted player who already has used their plunder ability their plunder ability again. (cannot target self or Captain)
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen, Cult or Navy and any Neutrals that oppose you.

Converts into The Entrepreneur or The Ritualist
Cult Points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
Cult Alt:
(Authority) Mithras’ Influence (Night) - Occupy targeted player. - 4 uses
(Secretive Plunder) - 1 use

The Private Investigator :crossed_swords:

Green Kraken Investigative
Searchlight (Day) - You will see if targeted player is a member of the Unseen at the end of tonight. - Infinite uses
Additional Interrogation (Night) - Check if targeted player’s Investigation result would be the same as your day target. - 2 uses
Coffee Overdose (Plunder) - Investigate two players, you will know if they are they are a member of the Unseen, giving accurate results.
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen and any Neutrals that oppose you.

Converts into The Fraud

The Quarter Master

Green Kraken Social
Natural Leader (Passive) - Upon voting a new captain, your votes will privately count as two. You will keep this passive upon class change.
Negative Vote (Day) - Targeted player’s vote today will unknowingly count as 0. This will only be announced when majority has been reached but it will not announce who was blocked. - 2 uses
Higher Identity (Day) - In the current/next Captain election. All votes for you will privately count as two. - 1 use
Deck Roaming (Night) - See if target player was prevented, redirected, healed or framed tonight. You will not know exactly what happened. - Infinite uses
Rank Change (Night) - Give/remove targeted player’s leadership qualities. - 1 use
Argggh You Kidding Me? (Plunder) - If a Green Kraken is supposed to be executed tomorrow, they will not be executed and the night will start.
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen, Cult or Navy and any Neutrals that oppose you.

Converts into The Dictator or The Apostle
Cult Points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
(Negate Vote) - 1 use
(Deck Roaming) - 3 uses
(Argggh You Kidding Me?) Reversal of Corax - If a Green Kraken or a Cultist would be executed tomorrow, they will not be executed and the night will start.

The Sailor

Green Kraken Investigative
Sonar System (Day) - Choose what you are going to find using Green Flare/Bright Flare tonight. Killer/Offensive, Support/Social, Investigative/Special or Unseen/Cult. By default this ability will start on Unseen/Cult. - Infinite uses
Green Flare (Night) - Find out if targeted player fits the criteria of your Sonar System ability. - Infinite uses
Bright Flare (Night) - If targeted player fits the criteria, find out what specific part of it they match. - 2 uses
Expedition (Plunder) - Find out target player’s exact class type and faction.
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen, Cult or Navy and any Neutrals that oppose you.

Converts into The Buccaneer or The Seeker
Cult Points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
(Green Flare) - 4 uses

The Scientist :shield:

Green Kraken Support
The Power of Science (Passive) - Immune to poison and bleeding.
Robotic Spiders (Night) - Heal a player from attacks, poison or bleeding. - Infinite uses
Intentional Malfunction (Night) - Targeted player will be healed when they need it. This will only take affect while you are living and it may only take affect once. - 2 uses
Portal Gun (Plunder) - Select a dead Green Kraken player from the graveyard. They will be revived as a Skeletal Snakekeeper.
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen, Cult or Navy and any Neutrals that oppose you.

Converts into The Plagiarist or The Ritualist
Cult Points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
(Robotic Spiders) - 2 uses
(Portal Gun) Portal of Corax - Targeted dead Cultist will be revived as a Blood Skeleton. - 1 use

The Skeletal Snakekeeper

Green Kraken Killer
Undead (Passive) - You appear dead to all other forum members. You cannot talk to the living or vote.
Rotting (Passive) - You will die in 2 nights after being revived.
Snake’s Guard (Night) - Kill any attackers who attack target player. - 2 uses
Skeletal Fangs (Night) - Kill target player. - 1 use
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen, Cult or Navy and any Neutrals that oppose you.

Convert Immune
Does not spawn

The Snakekeeper

Green Kraken Killer
Snake’s Venom (Day) - Poison target player, they will die in 2 nights. - 2 uses
Snake’s Delay (Night) - If targeted player is supposed to die tonight, they will instead die two nights later. - Infinite uses
Snake’s Distraction (Night) - If target player is attacked, the attack will be redirected into the attacker, bypassing death and redirection immunity. - 3 uses
Snake Army (Plunder) - If target player has killed or converted anybody, you will kill them, bypassing night immunity and heals.
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen, Cult or Navy and any Neutrals that oppose you.

Converts into The Serpent or The Acolyte
Cult Points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
(Snake’s Venom) Worm’s Venom - Poison target player. They will die in 2 nights. The second use of this ability will expend a use of the Cult Leader’s Injection - 2 uses
(Snake’s Delay) - 4 uses
Snake’s Distraction) - 1 use
(Snake Army) Worm Army - The Cult Leader’s Blood of Mithras will bypass everything tonight and will not require a Cultist.

The Stealthy :crossed_swords:

Green Kraken Investigative
Cultist’s Scent (Day) - Find out who the Cult Leader killed at the end of the day. - 2 uses
Nightly Hideout (Day) - Find out if any Cultists attempted to visit target player tonight. This will stay on targeted player until you use Smoke Bomb or change your target with this ability. This does not count as a visit. - Infinite uses
Swift Judgement (Night) - Find out if targeted player is a member of the Cult. - Infinite uses
Ambush (Plunder) - Select a target, you and them will be death and convert immune tonight. Any Cult members visiting them tonight will die.
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen, Cult or Navy and any Neutrals that oppose you.

Converts into The Seeker
Cult Points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
(Cultist’s Scent) Smoke Bomb - If targeted player gets Investigated, they will show up with incorrect results. - 4 uses
(Nightly Hideout) Blood Hideout - You may see the First Mate’s conversation logs tonight. - 1 use
(Swift Judgement) Mithras’ Judgement - If targeted player is part of the Green Kraken, learn of their class. - Infinite uses
(Ambush) Ambush of Corax - Kill any player, bypassing everything.

The Treasure Keeper

Green Kraken Offensive
Natural Leader (Passive) - Upon voting a new captain, your votes will privately count as two. You will keep this passive upon class change.
Rich (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and redirection.
Money Bags (Day) - Occupy targeted player today. - 2 uses
Bribe (Night) - Make a player target another player. Any conversions and attacks that you redirect into another player will not work. - Infinite uses
Full House (Night) - Targeted player will be redirected into themself tonight, bypassing redirection immunity. - 2 uses
Straight Flush (Plunder) - You may redirect a player bypassing redirect immunity, any attacks or conversions you redirect will be nullified.
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen, Cult or Navy and any Neutrals that oppose you.

Converts into The Scrooge or The Invoker
Cult Points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
(Bribe) - 3 uses


The Unseen - Factioncap 3

The Assassin :shield: :crossed_swords:

Unseen Killer
Nightshade (Day) - Poison target player, they will die after 2 nights. Bypassing death immunity unless they are healed. - 4 uses (shared)
Distract (Day) - Distract a player, rendering them unable to any day abilities for the rest of the day. - 1 use
Assassinate (Night) - Kill a player. - Infinite uses
2-For-1 (Night): - Kill two target players. - 1 use (shared)
No Limits (Plunder) - Kill a player bypassing everything that could prevent you from killing them.
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken and any Neutrals that oppose you

The Buccaneer

Unseen Investigative
Sonar System (Day) - Choose what you are going to find using Purple Flare/Shadelight Flare tonight. Killer/Offensive, Support/Social, Investigative/Special. By default this ability will start on Killer/Offensive. - Infinite uses
Purple Flare (Night) - Find out what classtype target player is if they match your Sonar System Criteria. - Infinite uses
Shadelight Flare (Night) - If targeted player fits the criteria, find out their exact class. Additionally, this will frame the target to Investigators. - 3 uses
Expedition (Plunder) - Find out two target player’s exact classes.
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken and any Neutrals that oppose you

The Engineer

Unseen Offensive
Wall Off (Day) - Only Unseen members will have the ability to visit targeted player tonight - 2 uses
Flimsy Tools (Night) - Targeted player will unknowingly occupy player they targeted if their targeted player is not Unseen. If they are already occupying a player. They will occupy another random player - Infinite uses
Jumpscare (Night) - Anybody visiting targeted player will be redirected to the other targeted player - 4 uses
Launch Trap (Plunder) - Anybody visiting target player will be redirected to second target player, bypassing all redirection immunities.
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken and any Neutrals that oppose you

The Fraud

Unseen Investigative
Underdeck (Day) - You will see The First Mate’s conversation tonight. - 1 uses
Nightly Research (Night) - If targeted player is Green Kraken. You will be able to see their class. - Infinite uses
Test of Skills (Night) - You may see the night result of targeted player. - Infinite uses
Forged Documents (Plunder) - Target player’s logbook will only be able to be read by the Unseen if they die at night, it will appear blank to everybody else. Their class will show up as specified non unique Green Kraken class on death.
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken and any Neutrals that oppose you

The Mastermind :shield: :crossed_swords:

Unseen Special
Can’t Touch This (Passive) - You cannot be killed at night. Additionally, you are occupy immune. You will be alerted upon occupy and redirect attempts. You will know if someone tries to occupy you or change your target.
Lurking Presence (Passive) - If you are killed within the first 3 nights your next in line will take your place as the Mastermind, you appear as a Green Kraken to investigators for those 3 nights.
Dirty Work (Day) - If there are no Unseen members left, you can become the Assassin at the beginning of the night. - May only use if you are the only living Unseen member.
Foresight (Day) - Find out targeted player’s classtype if they can be converted. - 4 uses (shared)
Convert (Night) - Convert a player to the Unseen. - Infinite uses - 1 night cooldown on success
Scheme of a Leader (Plunder) - Once you die, your Assassin will take your place as the new Mastermind. Upon using this, you will lose Can’t Touch This.
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken and any Neutrals that oppose you

The Nefarious Captain :shield: :crossed_swords:

Unseen Special
Leader of the Crew (Passive) - There must always be a captain. If you are killed, a new captain must be voted for the following day.
My Word is Law (Passive) - Your votes to accuse players passively count as 2.
Plunder yer Booty (Day) - Grant a player treasure. This enables them to use their special plunder ability once. Cannot be used on the same player twice. - Unlimited Uses, 1 Day Cooldown.
Coup de Grace (Day) - Reset all votes. Only you and target player may be voted today, the day phase will be ended in 24 hours upon use of this. - 1 use.
Keep Watch (Night) - Protect a player, making them immune to attacks tonight. - 3 Uses.
Cursed Treasure (Night) - If the targeted player tries to use their plunder ability tonight, they will die and the ability will fail - 1 use
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken and any Neutrals that oppose you.

Credit to Marl

The Versifier :shield:

Unseen Social
Musical Network (Passive) - You still have access to your Bard network. Players will have access to your network for one more day if they die.
In Space, No One Can Hear You Scream (Passive) - Once you die or become Captain. Your network will cease to exist. This passive will carry over upon class change even if you already have 2 passives as that class.
Song of Connections (Day) - Targeted living or dead player will be added to the network chat tonight. - Infinite uses - 1 night cooldown
Song of Disapproval (Night) - Remove target player from the network chat at the end of tonight. - 4 uses
Song of Shade (Night) - Make all Unseen members appear as Green Kraken in Investigative results tonight - 2 uses
Song of Dark Matter (Plunder) - Find out target player’s exact class and control their action tonight.
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken and any Neutrals that oppose you


The Cult - Factioncap 4

Cult Convert Plunder Abilities are dependent on their Converted Class/Starting Cult Class Choice.

The Acolyte

Cult Killer
Spirit of Mithras (Passive) - Starting with the second use of the Cult Leader’s Blood of Mithras, if you would be sacrificed, the first time you will not die.
Curse of Mithras (Day) - The player targeted with Cult Leader’s “Inject” will die in 1 night instead of 2 nights. - 1 use
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken and any Neutrals that oppose you.

The Apostle :crossed_swords:

Cult Social
Dark Words (Passive) - While you live, living and dead Cult members can communicate at night.
Anstreim’s Anguish (Night) - Curse a player. The player will instead be executed at 80% of majority (rounds up) instead. Nobody will know this until this smaller majority is reached though.
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken and any Neutrals that oppose you.

The Blood Terror :shield:

Cult Killer
Undead (Passive) - You appear dead to all other forum members. You cannot talk to the living or vote.
Rotting (Passive) - You will die in 2 nights after being revived. Only one Blood Terror may be alive at one time.
Bone Spikes (Night) - Defend target Cultist for the night, preventing visitors. - 1 use
Eradicate (Night) - Kill your target player. - 1 use
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken and any Neutrals that oppose you.

The Cult Leader :shield: :crossed_swords:

Cult Special
Train (Passive) - At any point before the start of the first night, you may message the GM and choose the Cult alts that the Cult class that spawned with you will receive, based on a non-unique class they can be converted from. If you do not choose the Cult alts, they will receive a random valid set.
Corax’s Blessing (Passive) - You will know if you are occupied or redirected while using Brainwash.
Disguise (Day) - If the target player dies tonight, they will appear as a class of your choice. - 3 uses
Inject (Day) - Poison targeted player. They will die in two nights. - 4 uses (shared)
Brainwash (Night) - Attempt to convert a player to the Cult. If you have failed to convert a target twice already and your next conversion would fail it will instead target a random convertible player. - Infinite uses - 1 night cooldown on success
Blood of Mithras (Night) - Kill a Cult player and a non-Cult player. The first use of this will not kill the Cultist. - Infinite uses
Dark God’s Mastermind (Plunder) - You will become death immune upon using this. Additionally you will gain occupy and redirection immunity. (This will only affect you)
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken and any Neutrals that oppose you.

The Devout Captain :shield: :crossed_swords:

Cult Special
Leader of the Crew (Passive) - There must always be a captain. If you are killed, a new captain must be voted for the following day.
My Word is Law (Passive) - Your votes to accuse players passively count as 2.
Plunder yer Booty (Day) - Grant a player treasure. This enables them to use their special plunder ability once. Cannot be used on the same player twice. - Unlimited Uses, 1 Day Cooldown.
Coup de Grace (Day) - Reset all votes. Only you and target player may be voted today, the day phase will be ended in 24 hours upon use of this. - 1 use.
Keep Watch (Night) - Protect a player, making them immune to attacks tonight. - 3 Uses.
Blood Rites (Night) - Summon the Shade of Mithras upon the Xed. All Cultists will be informed of his presence. After using this ability once, it changes into “Blood Price”. - 1 use
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken and any Neutrals that oppose you.

Blood Price (Night) - Cause the Shade of Mithras to torment a crew member, occupying them tonight. - Unlimited Uses.

Credit to Marl

The Invoker :crossed_swords:

Cult Offensive
Fanatic (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Bewilder (Day) - Targeted player will be occupied today and tonight, the day occupation will bypass immunity but not the night occupation. - 1 use
Strings of Mithras (Night) - Control a player, choosing who they target tonight. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken and any Neutrals that oppose you.

The Ritualist :crossed_swords:

Cult Support
Will of Mithras (Day) - All Cultists will appear as members of the Green Kraken tonight. - 1 use
Strength of Corax (Night) - The Cult Leader’s Blood of Mithras will bypass night immunity tonight. - 1 use
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken and any Neutrals that oppose you.

The Seeker :crossed_swords:

Cult Investigative
Expose (Day) - Find out the next player to use a day ability. - 4 uses
Gaze (Night) - Learn a player’s exact classtype. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken and any Neutrals that oppose you.


The Navy - Factioncap 4

All classes done by @Luxy please give the fellow 'strayan some praise.

I would like to specify that The Navy are hired by a different Royalty. Not the Blue Dragon for those wondering.

The Blue Dragon are friendly towards The Green Kraken and vice versa as they trade together often.

Would we get a gamemode for them. Maybe but it’d be semi hard to remove the idea of day lynching since they don’t agree with it, plus I’m content with Green Kraken as a faction.

The Admiral :shield: :crossed_swords:

Navy Special
Leader of the Crew (Passive) - There must always be a captain. If you are killed, a new captain must be voted for the following day.
My Word is Law (Passive) - Your votes to accuse players passively count as 2.
Plunder yer Booty (Day) - Grant a player treasure. This enables them to use their special plunder ability once. Cannot be used on the same player twice. - Unlimited Uses, 1 Day Cooldown.
Coup de Grace (Day) - Reset all votes. Only you and target player may be voted today, the day phase will be ended in 24 hours upon use of this. - 1 use.
Keep Watch (Night) - Protect a player, making them immune to attacks tonight. - 3 Uses.
Royal Files (Night) - Find out if targeted player is a member of the Navy. If your target is a member of the Navy, Plunder yer Booty will come off cooldown. - 4 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken and any Neutrals that oppose you.

Credit to Marl

The Commander :shield: :crossed_swords:

Navy Special
Leadership (Passive) - You are immune to occupation, redirection and death at night. If you die, a vote will be held by other members of the Navy to elect a new Commander.
Sponsorship (Passive) - If any member of the Navy receives a plunder ability from anyone but the Officer, you may select a second member of the Navy to also receive their plunder ability.
Step Down (Day) - If you are the only living Navy member, you may become the Officer at the start of tonight. - Infinite uses
Subpoena (Day) - If the captain tries to give a member of Xed a plunder tonight, it will fail. - 2 uses (shared)
Royal Pardon (Night) - Target a player, you will pardon them of their piracy crimes, converting them to the Navy. If you have failed to convert a target twice already and your next conversion would fail it will instead target a random convertible player - Infinite uses, 1 day cooldown.
Proceeds of Crime (Night) - Target a member of the Navy, if they have already used their plunder ability this game, they may use it again, if they receive another one. - 3 uses (shared), can target self
Mandate of the King (Plunder) - Convert a player to the navy, regardless of the cooldown on Royal Pardon , and gain a use of all your other abilities. You may also select another member of the Navy to receive their plunder ability.
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Officer :shield: :crossed_swords:

Navy Offensive
High Rank (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.
Cannon Shot (Day) - The next person to use a day ability today will be occupied tonight. - 3 uses (shared)
Royalty Funding (Day) - Give target Navy member a plunder ability, Sponsorship does not affect this ability. - 2 uses (shared)
Intervention (Night) - Target a player, if someone tries to give them a plunder tomorrow, the plunder giver will be redirected to you, bypassing redirection immunity. - 2 uses
Arrest (Night) - Occupy a player, preventing their night action from working tonight. - 3 uses
Flintlock (Plunder) - Kill a player, bypassing healing. This plunder ability can be used again if you gain another plunder.
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Neutrals - Classcap 2

The Alchemist

Neutral Support
Experimentation (Passive) - Upon achieving your win condition, you will leave the castle the next night and create a clone to fake your death
Extract Essence (Day) - If target player dies tonight, you will gain another use of a potion of your choice. - Infinite uses - 1 night cooldown
Experimental Shield (Day) - You will be immune to death, occupation and redirection tonight. - 1 use
Concoct Potion (Night) - Choose from a variety of potions to use tonight. - Infinite uses

Crimson Potion - Heal targeted player, if you successfully heal a player from an attack that is not you. This use of Crimson Potion will not be used up. - 1 use
Misty Potion - Target player will appear to have the least suspicious results with their Investigative abilities tonight. - 1 use
Tar Potion - Occupy target player. - 1 use

Overnight Brewery (Plunder) - You may gain one more potion of your choice.
Your objective is to use 4 potions throughout the game.

Credit to Geyde for Plunder Ability

Misty Potion Effects

Invest clarifications with Misty Potion


  • Parrot’s Sight - Depends on ability. Unaffected if not Investigative ability.
  • Crow’s Nest - Unaffected
  • Telescope - Unaffected

Private Investigator:

  • Searchlight - Not Suspicious
  • Additional Interrogation - Your targets share the same Investigation result.


  • Green Flare (U/C) - Does not fit criteria
  • Green Flare (Classtype) - Unaffected.
  • Bright Flare - Same as Green Flare


  • Cultist’s Scent - Unaffected
  • Nightly Hideout - No Cultists attempted to visit the targeted player tonight.
  • Swift Judgement - Not Suspicious
  • Additional Interrogation - Your targets share the same Investigation result.

All Non GK Investigation abilities - Unaffected.

All plunder abilities are unaffected.

The Begrudged Captain :shield:

Neutral Special
Leader of the Crew (Passive) - There must always be a captain. If you are killed, a new captain must be voted for the following day.
My Word is Law (Passive) - Your votes to accuse players passively count as 2.
Plunder yer Booty (Day) - Grant a player treasure. This enables them to use their special plunder ability once. Cannot be used on the same player twice. - Unlimited Uses - 1 Day cooldown
Coup de Grace (Day) - Decide the fate of the player currently on the plank. - 1 use
Keep Watch (Night) - Protect a player, making them immune to attacks tonight. - 3 uses
Contraband (Night) - Send a guard to frame your target. They will appear as a member of the Unseen, Cult or Navy depending on which is present in the current game. - Infinite uses
You retain the objective you had before you became King.

Captained from:

  • Scorned
  • Devil

The Cowardly Captain :shield:

Neutral Special
Leader of the Crew (Passive) - There must always be a captain. If you are killed, a new captain must be voted for the following day.
My Word is Law (Passive) - Your votes to accuse players passively count as 2.
Plunder yer Booty (Day) - Grant a player treasure. This enables them to use their special plunder ability once. Cannot be used on the same player twice. - Unlimited Uses, 1 Day Cooldown.
Coup de Grace (Day) - Decide the fate of the player currently on the plank. - 1 use.
Keep Watch (Night) - Protect a player, making them immune to attacks tonight. - 3 Uses.
Hide (Night) - Prevent all visits to you tonight. - 2 uses
Your objective is to survive until the end of the game.

Captained from:

  • Alchemist

The Demon :shield:

Neutral Killer
Shield Of Purgatory (Passive) - Immune to death at night, occupation and target changing.
Haemophilia (Day) - Increases the power of Funeral Pyre tonight. - 3 uses, 1 day cooldown
Gate’s Deception (Day) - You will appear as Blue Dragon to Investigations and your visits will be hidden for tonight. - 1 use
Funeral Pyre (Night) - Set your target ablaze, killing them. If Haemophilia is used, the target is immune to visits from others except you, and anyone who attempts to visit them is also killed by the flames. - Infinite uses
Hell’s Rupture (Plunder) - Summon flames from hell, killing your target and causing anybody who is visiting your target to die, bypassing all forms of protection.
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken, Unseen, Cult, Navy and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

Original Post Credit to Bounty
Credit to Strangle for plunder ability.

The Devil :shield: :crossed_swords:

Neutral Social
Second Chance (Passive) - Immune to death at night, once.
Informant (Day) - You learn the faction of your target at the end of the day. - 1 use
Frame (Night) - Make a target appear to be a member of the scum faction (Unseen, Cult or Navy) to investigations tonight. - Infinite uses
Trickery (Night) - If the target player is executed tomorrow, they will appear to be a chosen class. - 2 uses
Lucifer’s Anguish (Night) - All players will be framed tonight.
See three Green Kraken players executed, or survive to see the Green Kraken defeated.

Credit to Geyde for Plunder Ability

The Electromancer :shield: :crossed_swords:

Neutral Killer
Static Shield (Passive) - You are immune to death at night.
Discharge (Day) - If you are still alive at the end of the night, all charged players will be killed (Bypasses death immunity). - Infinite uses, 2 day cooldown
Charge (Night) - Apply a static charge to a player. Anyone they visit tonight will also become charged, and you will know who they are. You cannot charge yourself. - Infinite uses
Composition C-4 (Plunder) - Kill target player, bypassing night immunity while static charging any players they visit and all players who visit them. You will know who your target visited and who visited them.
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken, Unseen, Cult and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

Original Post Credit to Unoski
and Vulgard for reworking Electrocutioner

The Fool

Neutral Social
Mask of Many Faces (Passive) - If you are executed by the court, you may appear as a class of your choice. You must submit this class to the host before you are executed. You may choose the class at any time and change it at will.
Trickery (Passive) - Immune to being occupied at night. Additionally, the night after your execution, all players who voted to execute you will be redirected to visit themselves.
Hide (Day) - You will be immune to death tonight. - 2 uses
Costume Examination (Day) - Learn the faction of the player you Masquerade as at the end of the night, if you use it. This ability is affected by framing, unlike Masquerade. - 2 uses
Masquerade (Night) - Appear as the class, faction and type of your target to investigations tonight. Abilities that change the apparent class of your target will not affect Masquerade. Additionally, if you die tonight you will also appear as the class. You will not know the class of your target. - Infinite uses
Trollbox (Plunder) - Targeted player will be redirected to you and all your Investigation results will be changed to match the Assassin, Cult Leader or Commander for tonight.
Your objective is to be executed for treason.

The Inquisitive Captain :shield:

Neutral Special
Leader of the Crew (Passive) - There must always be a captain. If you are killed, a new captain must be voted for the following day.
My Word is Law (Passive) - Your votes to accuse players passively count as 2.
Plunder yer Booty (Day) - Grant a player treasure. This enables them to use their special plunder ability once. Cannot be used on the same player twice. - Unlimited Uses - 1 Day cooldown
Coup de Grace (Day) - Decide the fate of the player currently on the plank. - 1 use
Keep Watch (Night) - Protect a player, making them immune to attacks tonight. - 3 uses
Ruthless Guards (Night) - Check if target player is a Heathen and kill them if they are. - 2 uses
Your objective is to live to see all Heathens die.

Captained from:

  • Inquisitor

The Inquisitor :shield:

Neutral Investigative
Holy Blessing (Passive) - You are immune to death at night once. Your actions do not count as visits.
Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition (Passive) At the start of the game, 3 random players will be assigned as ‘Heathens’ - They will never be other Neutrals, Unique GK classes, Mastermind, the Second Spawning Cult or the Officer. Once the final Heathen dies, you will leave Court that night and never return. Each Heathen is informed they are a Heathen, but not the identities of the others. You will know the class of each Heathen.
Interrogate (Night) Find out if the Target Player is a Heathen, and their Class if they are - Infinite uses
Ruthless Efficiency (Night) Kill target player if they are a Heathen. The target cannot be healed. - 3 uses
Heathen Sense (Plunder) - Select two target players, if one player is a Heathen, you will kill them. Bypassing everything. If both are Heathens, only your first target will be attacked.
Your objective is to live to see all Heathens die.

Credit to Moleland for FoL adaptation.

The Lich :shield: :crossed_swords:

Neutral Killer
Phylactery (Passive) - During Day One, the Lich specifies two players to be their Phylactery Holders. If they fail to do so before the end of the day, they are randomized. They can not choose The King to be their holder, nor can The King be a randomized Holder. The Lich will know their starting classes, and will be night immune while at least one of them lives. If both of them die, the Lich will die the following night. Investigations against the Phylactery Holders will also yield the additional message “You feel a chill surrounding the target player. They are a Phylactery Holder for The Lich.” If your Phylactery Holders die, this fact that they are one will be included with their class information.
Undeath (Passive) - As long as the Phylactery Holders are alive, at the start of every night the Lich will automatically revive themselves if they are dead, regardless of how they died.
Spectral Mist (Day) - A target Phylactery Holder is healed tonight. - 3 uses
Black Fog (Day) - Attempts to investigate either of the Phylactery Holders will fail tonight. - 3 uses
Finger of Decay (Night) - Kill a player. If you were revived at the start of the night, then this attack bypasses night immunity and healing. - Infinite uses
Death’s Curtains (Night) - Kill one of your Phylactery holders (bypasses night immunity and healing), and two other targets. - Infinite uses, but only usable while you have two Phylactery Holders alive
Otherworldly Breath (Plunder) - If you only have one Phylactery Holder alive, you may pick a new second Phylactery holder. You may not gain this ability again once you use it, even through other means.
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken, Unseen, Cult, Navy and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

The Lockermaster :shield: :crossed_swords:

Neutral Killer
Locker of Secrets (Passive) - Your classtype will appear to be Investigative to all Investigators. Additionally you are immune to death at night and poison.
Throw Overboard (Day) - Throw your target off the Xed, killing them at the end of the day, bypassing night immunity. If you use this you cannot use Depth’s Cutlass tonight. - 3 uses
Davy’s Scent (Day) - Find out targeted player’s faction and who they targeted with their day ability if they used one. - Infinite uses
Depth’s Cutlass (Night) - Kill targeted player. Additionally, your visit will be hidden and you cannot use Throw Overboard tomorrow.
Eyes of the Tentacles (Night) - Find out target’s classtype, who they visited and who visited them. - Infinite uses
Cthulhu’s Wrath (Plunder) - Select a number of target players up to 3 players. If they all have the same classtype, kill them all bypassing everything. If not, kill the first target specified bypassing everything.
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken, Unseen, Cult, Navy and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.*

Shoutouts to SimpleFlips Firekitten

The Mad Captain :shield:

Neutral Special
Leader of the Crew (Passive) - There must always be a captain. If you are killed, a new captain must be voted for the following day.
Madman’s Will (Passive) - If you are executed, the regret of killing a madman will weigh on everyone. Your initial accuser will die at the end of the night tonight. You also choose an heir to succeed you as King. The player you choose will immediately become The King. Additionally, your vote counts as two.
Plunder yer Booty (Day) - Grant a player treasure. This enables them to use their special plunder ability once. Cannot be used on the same player twice. - Unlimited Uses - 1 Day cooldown
Coup de Grace (Day) - Decide the fate of the player currently on the plank. - 1 use
Keep Watch (Night) - Protect a player, making them immune to attacks tonight. - 3 uses
Hide (Night) - No-one will be able to visit you tonight. - 2 uses
Your objective is to be executed for treason.

Captained From

  • Fool

The Mercenary

Neutral Support
Looking for Work (Passive) - If your original target dies, you have 3 days to find another or you will die.
Failure (Passive) - If your original target and your new target die, you will commit suicide.
Offer Contract (Day) - You may form a contract with another player during the day (they will not be notified). You must do this for your first contract on day 1, or it will be randomised. - Infinite uses
Stand Guard (Night) - Protect your target from visits, and grant yourself immunity to death tonight. - 4 uses
Rebound (Night) - Kill a player who accused your target of treason earlier in the day. - 1 use
Assault (Plunder) - Prevent all visits to your target and kill all their visitors.
Your objective is to ensure that your target remains alive until the end of the game, your target is [x].

Convert Immune
Credit to Geyde for telling me to re-use the Xed 3.0 plunder abil

The Plutocratic Captain :shield:

Neutral Special
Leader of the Crew (Passive) - There must always be a captain. If you are killed, a new captain must be voted for the following day.
Failure (Passive) - If your target dies, you will become the Cowardly Captain. Additionally, your vote counts as two.
Plunder yer Booty (Day) - Grant a player treasure. This enables them to use their special plunder ability once. Cannot be used on the same player twice. - Unlimited Uses - 1 Day cooldown
Coup de Grace (Day) - Decide the fate of the player currently on the plank. - 1 use
Keep Watch (Night) - Protect a player, making them immune to attacks tonight. - 3 uses
Protect (Night) - Your target will be death immune tonight. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to ensure that your target remains alive until the end of the game.

Captained From

  • Mercenary

The Possessor :shield: :crossed_swords:

Neutral Killer
Driven (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and target changing.
Blackened Shield (Passive) - You are immune to death at night.
Puppet Strings (Night) - Control a player and force them to kill someone. They will not be notified that they were controlled, unless you caused them to target themself.
Possess (Night) - Kill the target player. Their class will appear as one of your choice, and they will have information in their logbook of your choosing (or no logbook if nothing is specified). You will know what class they truly were, and what their logbook said. - 3 uses
Puppet’s Expertise (Plunder) - Use any Plunder ability in the game. This cannot be selected from Special classes, Killer classes or The First Mate.
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken, Unseen, Cult, Navy and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

The Pretender :shield:

Neutral Special
Natural Leader (Passive) - Upon voting a new Captain, your votes will privately count as two.
No Allegiance (Passive) - Immune to Death at night once.
Silence (Day) - Prevent Target player from using day abilities if they are a Leader, or the Captain - 3 uses
Rank Test (Night) - Find out if the Target Player is a Natural Leader, and their Class Type if they are - Infinite uses
Rivalry (Night) Kill target player if they are a Natural Leader, or the Captain - 2 uses
Tainted Leadership (Plunder) - If you target a player with “Natural Leader” passive with your abilities, you will disable that passive on them for rest of the game.
Your objective is to survive, ensuring there is no Captain except you when the Game ends.

Credit to Moleland for exporting the class to FoL
Credit to cbman for creating the class
Credit to Twil1ight for Plunder abil

The Psycho Captain :shield:

Neutral Special
Leader of the Crew (Passive) - There must always be a captain. If you are killed, a new captain must be voted for the following day.
My Word is Law (Passive) - Your votes to accuse players passively count as 2. Additionally, you are immune to death at night and Investigations which find your class will come up as your class before becoming Captain.
Plunder yer Booty (Day) - Grant a player treasure. This enables them to use their special plunder ability once. Cannot be used on the same player twice. - Unlimited Uses - 1 Day cooldown
Coup de Grace (Day) - Decide the fate of the player currently on the plank. - 1 use
Keep Watch (Night) - Protect a player, making them immune to attacks tonight. - 3 uses
Personal Cutlass (Night) - Send a pirate to kill a player. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken, Unseen, Cult, Navy and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

Captained From

  • Demon
  • Electrocutioner
  • Lich
  • Lockermaster
  • Possessor
  • Reaper
  • Sorcerer

The Reaper :shield: :crossed_swords:

Neutral Killer
Consume Soul (Passive) - If you die at night with at least one soul, you will consume it and come back to life. You start with two souls. (Does NOT work if executed by The Prince)
Icy Touch (Day) - Consume two souls to prevent a player from using day and night abilities today. The target will only be aware of being prevented if they attempt to use a day ability , and they will appear occupied at night. - Infinite uses
Reap (Night) - Reap the soul of a player, killing them and occupying them. The victim can not be healed. You will gain one soul on a successful reap. - Infinite uses
Gathered Darkness (Night) - Consume two souls to kill a player. Bypasses death immunity, and the victim can not be healed. They will have information in their logbook of your choosing (or no logbook if nothing is specified), and you will receive their real logbook when they die. - Infinite uses
Coffin Walker (Plunder) - Double the amount of souls you have.
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken, Unseen, Cult, Navy and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

Credit to CheesyKnives

The Scorned :shield:

Neutral Social
Resolve (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing. Additionally, you are immune to death at night until you complete your objective. You may also choose whether or not you commit suicide once you have won.
Frame (Night) - Frame one of your targets. They will appear as a member of the Unseen, Cult or Navy to investigations tonight, depending on which is present in the current game. - 2 uses
Bait and Switch (Night) - Swap a player with one of your targets, redirecting all actions on one to the other. - 3 uses
Costume (Plunder) - You will appear as a Green Kraken class of your choice to Investigative checks for the rest of the game.
Your objective is to survive to see one your targets executed, they are [X] and [Y].

The Scorned’s targets will always be members of the Green Kraken (at the start of the game). However, they can not have The Captain, The First Mate or The Gunslinger as targets.
(Gunslinger is way too confirmable so that’s why Gunslinger cannot be a target.)

The Sellsword :shield:

Neutral Offensive
Among Friends (Passive) - Immune to death at night, once. This passive will not apply if attacked by a Green Kraken player, however.
Contracted (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Stonewall (Night) - Prevent non-attack and non-conversion abilities from targeting your target. Can not target the same player two nights in a row. - Infinite uses
Intimidate (Night) - Occupy a player. - Infinite uses
Toll Blockage (Plunder) - Prevent all Green Kraken from visiting your target. Occupy player bypassing through their immunities.
See the Green Kraken defeated at any cost.

Credit to NuclearBurrito
**Credit to Twil1ight for plunder

The Sorcerer :shield: :crossed_swords:

Neutral Killer
Mage Armor (Passive) - You are immune to death at night. Additionally you are immune to poison and bleeding.
Perception (Passive) - You will not attack death immune or guarded targets.
Walking Bomb (Day) - Cast a spell on your target, making them a walking bomb, you may detonate your target player later. Can have multiple Walking Bombs active. Cannot target King. - Infinite uses
Bomb Swap (Day) - Move a bomb off of one player and onto another. - Infinite uses
Magic Missile (Night) - Kill target player - Infinite uses
Detonate (Night) - Kill all players who have a Walking Bomb active. Bypassing death immunity. - Infinite uses
Bites the Dust (Plunder) - Place a Walking Bomb on a player. CAN target the king. If you are still alive tonight, detonate all walking bombs, bypassing all forms of protection.
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken, Unseen, Cult, Navy and any neutrals that dare stand in your way.

The Spiteful Captain :shield:

Neutral Special
Leader of the Crew (Passive) - There must always be a captain. If you are killed, a new captain must be voted for the following day.
My Word is Law (Passive) - Your votes to accuse players passively count as 2.
Plunder yer Booty (Day) - Grant a player treasure. This enables them to use their special plunder ability once. Cannot be used on the same player twice. - Unlimited Uses - 1 Day cooldown
Coup de Grace (Day) - Decide the fate of the player currently on the plank. - 1 use
Keep Watch (Night) - Protect a player, making them immune to attacks tonight. - 3 uses
Mark (Night) - The target player temporarily loses death immunity if they have it, and can not be healed tonight. - 2 uses
See the Green Kraken defeated at any cost.

Crowned From

  • Sellsword
  • Warlock

The Usurper Captain :shield:

Neutral Special
Leader of the Crew (Passive) - There must always be a captain. If you are killed, a new captain must be voted for the following day.
My Word is Law (Passive) - Your votes to accuse players passively count as 2.
Plunder yer Booty (Day) - Grant a player treasure. This enables them to use their special plunder ability once. Cannot be used on the same player twice. - Unlimited Uses - 1 Day cooldown
Coup de Grace (Day) - Decide the fate of the player currently on the plank. - 1 use
Keep Watch? (Night) - Prevent all visits to you. - 1 uses
Demote (Night) - Permanently remove a player’s Leadership. If this is successful, you will gain one use of Keep Watch?. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to survive until the end of the Game

Captained from:

  • Pretender

The Warlock :shield:

Neutral Offensive
Bend Reality (Passive) - As long as you remain alive, Green Kraken classes that are passively immune to occupation are not.
Dark Magics (Passive) - You appear as a member of the Unseen, Cult or Navy (depending on which is present in the game) to investigations. Also, you are immune to death at night, once. This will not apply if attacked by a Green Kraken player, however.
Detect Thoughts (Day) - Cast a spell that reveals your target’s last night action to you. - 4 uses
Carnage (Day) - Cast a spell that causes all kills tonight to bypass all forms of protection or prevention. - 1 use
Mind Control (Night) - Cast a spell that forces your target to target somebody of your choosing. - 3 uses
Seeming (Night) - Make yourself and one other person of your choice appear as members of the Green Kraken to investigations. - 2 uses
Scrying (Plunder) - Make all members of the scum faction appear as Green Kraken to faction checks tonight. You will also gain a use in every limited ability.
See the Green Kraken defeated at any cost.

Original Post Credit to ThePlex
Additional credit to Geyde for Plunder


Can you make Navy guaranteed to spawn in the next Siege on Xed so we can test it?


I can help


wth pug would never say this unepic!


Btw I am also hosting a neutral killer contest for Xed.


Submit your Neutral Killers here.

1 Like

Mind Flayer

Puppet master

pls post classcard and plunder abil.

1 Like

The Mind Flayer :shield: :crossed_swords:

Neutral Killer
Insanity (Passive) - You are immune to death at night, occupation and redirection.
Mindstorm (Passive) - Once per night you may guess a player’s class. If you are correct you will empower your attack via Brain Destruction. You will gain a one-night buff depending on who you kill with this passive. This passive will be disabled if you guess incorrectly twice. Cannot Target the King.
Insight (Day) - Gain a clue to your target’s class type. You receive the same results as princess. [4 Uses]
Mind Read (Day) - You will see who your target visits tonight. [4 Uses]
Brain Destruction (Night) - Kill a player. You will be able to choose who they target tonight, bypassing redirection immunity. You may not redirect the King. [Infinite Uses]
Whispers of Insanity (Night) - Cause a player to commit suicide, destroying their logs and allowing you to determine what they flip as the next day. You will receive their real class and their logs. [1 Use, Cannot Target the King]
Possible Buffs Gained:

  • Killer: Gain an addition use of Whispers of Insanity.
  • Offensive: You will occupy everyone visiting you, bypassing occupy immunity.
  • Support: You will heal yourself tomorrow night, curing infection and bleed.
  • Social: You will be guaranteed to visit your target.
  • Investigative: All uses of Insight and Mind Read will be replenished. Your visits will be hidden from Investigators.
  • Special: You will appear as the class of your choice to investigators.

Goal: Destroy both the major factions and any neutrals who may stand in your way.

Plunder could be tonight your mindstorm counts as a seperate attack. (Can normally attack and use mindstorm to kill someone else)

That is Cancer dont add it

You are cancer


The Mind Flayer is my baby and Firekitten rekt with it so I had to nerf him ;-;

calm down everyone.

1 Like

I dream one day, the mind flayer will be added to FoL