Starting Neutral King
Passive (Tenacity) - Immune to most occupation and redirection. Your abilities do not count as visits.
Day Ability (Royal Power) - Select to use the Royal Finger on someone or decide their fate.On the use of the royal finger, your next vote for treason will count twice. On the use of decide fate, once a player is on the stand you may force them to be executed or pardoned. If pardon, they are unaccusable for the rest of the day. Royal Finger: Infinite Uses. | Decide Fate: 1 use.
Day Ability (Guards!) - You will be death immune tonight. 4 uses.
Night Ability (Allies) - Discover a players faction. Unaffected by framing abilities. The mastermind will appear as blue dragon the first three nights. 3 uses.
Night Ability (Order Execution) - Attack a player. This will not be shown to the court. Be careful, if the target is exhumed it will appear as the kingās kill. 1 use.
Goal: Survive
New King chances:
65% BD
25% Evil
10% Neutral
I didnāt really like OE for neutral king, but I couldnāt think of anything else. If anyone else has ideas ill probably put it in.