The Starting Neutral King - A suggestion

Here’s the problem. Evils should be faking Blue Dragon, not neutrals.

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The chance that they will exists and limits how OP that is though. Evils have fakeclaimed fool/scorned/alchemist/mercenary/inquis throughout ToL history.

still neutral king shouldn’t be investigative

I’m still far more worried about how it’s a psudo-GK that can sometimes turn into a psudo-EK

I don’t see how that is so worrying when all neutrals tend to interfere with BD vs cult/unseen.

Sometimes it is a bigger issue than others.

This is when it is the biggest possible issue

Because you can find an Alch and even if you couldn’t the Alch isn’t that important anyways. The King is both one of the most important classes in the game and also is designed to be impossible to mechanically check

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And BD only have one class that can kill them at night, and it isn’t a reliable spawn