I’ve come up with a brilliant idea, that would take some work, but in my opinion- would be worth it. Design the Customization tab to be the Tavern. And you could even use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnJauU7UOic to play in the background. You could have preset customization configurations, and they could sit at the seats at the bar, and such. I feel it would be extremely, well, for a lack of a better term and lack of sleep- awesome. Let me know what you think in the comments below, thanks.
I think players should be able to spectate games from the tavern, sign up to join lobbies (but still be in the tavern, just join the game once the host starts), and collect daily awards (i’m assuming this game iwll eventually have daily awards.
How signing up for lobbies in the tavern works: there is a wall with the lobbies listed (if you click it, you get a scrolly bar). You select the ones to sign up for. You join the game of the first one that starts and leave the others when this happens. You remain in the tavern, and don’t use the lobbies chat. You can only sign up for a limited number of lobbies (3, maybe)
Good ideas too, it can be like the main place for lots of stuff. Taverns are like the bar, people don’t go there just to drink.