The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

Marian tries to examine the void from a distance as she’s afraid that the floor is going to fade away along with everything else.

Leaving the immediate vicinity of the cottage, you see a shadow darting from tree to tree for a moment.

It shines somehow.

Is it a spirit of some kind? You don’t quite know.

Much to her fear, the floor zips away beneath her like a rug being pulled away.

The void beneath her is soft, with a spongy consistency.

Opening his eyes in shock, he was unable to move. The visions were terrifying and yet so different to anything he’d ever seen before… Since his room was pitch black too it also made it almost impossible to try and see anything different in reality that could help

Marian screams as she falls, but she becomes confused when she comes into contact with the void. Is it a bed or something? It shouldn’t feel like this, right?

‘You need to be renewed.’ A voice whispers into his ear. It’s faint, yet cordial. It calls out yet hides nothing.

‘Free yourself from this pain’

Before your eyes appears a single bead of violet.

Its light shines in the void, illuminating the swirling blood-tinted winds in the distance.

“How do I free myself?” he quietly said as a reply to the whisper. The pain was unreal and yet why did it feel like it wouldn’t be an easy way out?


Lily clears her throat, still not used to her new voice.

“What are you? I’m friendly, you don’t need to be scared.”

She focuses more on the bead of violet as it seems like its the only thing she can do besides screaming. How the hell does this have to do with talking to a god?! What was she supposed to do?! What can she even do?! Is she going to die?!

‘I don’t have much time. You need to escape the vicinity of that woman you are near. She has no noble intentions for you, only seeking another member to join her ranks.’

The whisper hastens in pace.

‘Free yourself from those visions. See the world as it is! All you need to know is that the projection of anything in your mind is fake. All a lie fabricated by some infernal demon gambitting for your skull on its platter!’

The figure jumps down from the tree.

It’s a cat. It walks up to you slowly, with fear in its eyes.

(do I have any food in my bag?)

“Understood” was his only response, a simple short word but it clearly shown some sort of trust. The voice was against the woman…? This was something new, he’d always assumed it was her god but perhaps it was something much better, something liberating. A plan had to be enacted but he was ready to escape her, somehow. Perhaps shouting for the local paladin would help

From the bead forms a being that can only be described as…awesome.

“I…am Corax.”

‘She is coming for you. You need to wake up, now!’

(I just arrived home guys)


It’s difficult for Marian to speak as looking as the figure fascinates her more the longer she looks at it. She doesn’t know if she should fear it or love it.
“I-I-I’m looking for a way to save Adiart from destruction and possibly find a way to resurrect the dead to aid us.”

Waking up fully, he tried to scan around his room “Why is everything so dark?! Who turned out the light?”
