The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

“Alright… as long as we work together to save Adiart, then this dispute is of no significance… We still need to find the nearest graveyard, so you probably need to open it up again.”

He looked at the book, even if it was inside the box. “Would it be safer to reveal or not to reveal?” @Geyde
“I would guess not, unless a time of necessity had come.”

@PokemonKidRyan She wasn’t in the bedroom anymore. Strange.

In pitch blackness he was forced to stay still… He couldn’t move but perhaps he could call his companions to help! Perhaps try once more with the lady first “Hello?! Where have you gone! I know you’re somewhere around here!”

“It is almost a waste to inflict it upon thee, but I know you would like down on he table as soon we mentioned it to you.” She took the Hunter’s knife she had hidden. “You had been loyal. May you find himself walking alongside Mithras”
You didn’t hear it properly. Only that it came from the living room.

She hadn’t come back… That much was clear, grabbing his whistle, he did one short but sharp blow to try and get his companions to rush towards him. The wolves being quicker than the bears of course but it was difficult, he couldn’t see easily, he’d need to rely on them or someone else “What’s going on down there?”

As she had heard the whistle, she also engraved a knife into the sacrifices’ chest. The high sound meant she was called for, even if now stained of blood. The guy would be still too weak to so anything, and the animals…
The animals didn’t matter. The ritual was now complete. She stood up, appreciating the scene and looked around for escape routes.

The front door would be the most obvious one but it would be just as easy to find shelter in the basement or any other room since Draco currently was… Indisposed

As his wolves reached him, Draco quickly got dressed before he leaned down and let them very slowly lead him out of his room, he’d had a good nap but needed to get going, the voice had told him so!!! Getting down stairs would be even more difficult but perhaps if he could succeed it would all work well in the end. The movement caused a lot of noise though since he was quite heavy footed in his struggle

He smiles slightly, let the blow sink in and Laus talk. Vilhelm still didn’t communicate with him his desire to step up, so this would be interesting. Still maddening that he now had two people to convince and that Iskandar probably only came here to retrieve the crown.
Examining quietly closely, Vilhelm was as obcecated with the crown as Richard was with the Green Kraken. He just never communicated it because he would be taken way more seriously by everyone due to his rank on noblesse.
“I should be distant enough for it not to be of influence, but we should be approximately at same age”

Marian looks around for anything that she can use as a mask and perhaps a change of clothing so people won’t instantly recognize her.

The masked guy with clothes covering the entire body looks back.

The caravan eventually comes to a halt. Presumably he was being questioned by the guards as you were when leaving that time.

You can overhear one dangerous line, apart from the rest. “Might we be able to check inside?”

He takes the book back.
“Nearest graveyard or battlecamp”

Thousand paces north, two thousand paces east.

It will take you around 22 minutes at a constant pace, and it ignores most guard stations.

“Is there anything in here I can wear to hide my identity?”

“You take care of countage and stuff.”
He looks to see what the girl was doing.
“If mines are less suspicious, I will gladly switch as long the new one would have equal coverage.”

In the room to the far back.

You should find a suitable disguise.

Marian walks over to the room in the far back to see what this disguise is.

The room is coated in dust. It’s difficult to breathe, but there are a few cabinets to your side.

You’re pretty sure that’s where they are.

She covers her mouth and nose trying not to inhale the dust in the air. She opens the cabinets one by one to see what they have inside.