The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

The woman refocuses themselves. They shake their head rapidly, trying to understand what was going on. She then takes a decisive stance, preparing to cast her weapon.
“T’is just a bluff!” She says, aiming directly for Marian.

( @Mercenary

Since it seemed to work, he reunited her behind him again. Risked gambit, but even in the worst case he should be more resistant than her to take this hit.

“Oh dear…”
She lets the cat down, this time holding her finger near the cat’s nose.

A girl runs up to you, panting slightly.

“Oh, thank fuck, you found my cat. Thanks, stranger! Uhm, I guess I should give you some silver now, huh?”

chastising the cat “Hey, you can’t just run off like that! You had me worried!”

They cast anyway, and the blade flies directly at Nicholas now they got in the way.

How much would it hurt…?


He falls to the ground by side, blood soaking his back, for the first time yaps of pain. Still covered by the heavy clothing, a claw grew on his back as the guardswoman could see. The fact that he did not yet transform meant it was being purposefully contained.

Oh, cat owned by a little girl?
“You have a nice little cat, young lass! Don’t you lose it again!”

Marian’s eyes widen as Nicholas takes the impact of the attack. Not knowing what to do, Marian closes her eyes and speaks to herself in her mind.

Corax, if you can hear me, I need you to give me strength to defeat the Paladin that is set onto killing me and my comrade. I’ll do anything to gain your blessing.

“You fight to protect someone rather than yourself. Have you been forced into servitude under this woman?”

“I will know the truth of your claims, so there is no point in lying to me.”

She fishes out a couple of silver and hands it to you. You’re pretty sure you also saw some gold in the bag as well.

“Hard to control a cat with this much will, heheh. Well, I’ll be heading off to the castle then.”

The girl starts to walk toward the castle, with the cat back in her bag now.

‘My child, your body cannot contain the power necessary to defeat the Paladin.’

A desesperate “no” gets alongside the whimpers. As of the demon could feel the name of Corax being cast upon him, he pushed Marian slightly.

The woman approaches Nicholas slowly, with utter determination.

It’s not obvious what they are going to do next.

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He tries to roll as far it was possible from their sworn enemy type. The area was now a truly bloody mess.
Such a good time to remember of the devil alerting to a guard post.

“I was sent not to end, but to heal. I understand now.”

Marian continues to lie on the ground looking by the two beings nearby her. Maybe she doesn’t need Corax’s strength after all… but she feels she’s missing something.

Well… following this little girl wouldn’t hurt. She said castle after all.

I’m antsy for a new job…

“In doing what you have, you have proven yourself beyond a doubt to be human at heart, despite your demonic exterior. A Demon who would put their life on the line to save a simple girl. It’s illogical to see the truth any other way. You have no true ties to your superiors.”

“You should never have been burdened with the scorn attributable to another of your kind, and as such have proven worthy of redemption.”

“If you wish to walk the realms of men not hiding your true face, step forward.”

She commands the soldiers to lower their weapons.

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