The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

“Cat! Wait up!”

She sprints after it, while also being careful not to lose her recently acquired gold.

“And I’m here to kill you, and your boyfriend too.” She grins.

“No… I can’t be… one of them… I can’t be…”

Trying to run into a different pattern, he casts the fire spell in the knight, the intent of making her burn.

A cat runs up to you, trying to hide behind your leg from…something.

Meanwhile, a town crier announces that there is an argument in the palace about succession and how they are recruiting more guards for this occasion.

Politics… Haiz.

A cat? That’s cute. Haven’t seen one in centuries.

Picks it up.

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The woman laughs, taking the full brunt of the attack with a maniacal expression. She appears unharmed, then unleashes the weapon, casting it in your direction.

( from the deepness of cat. Because when you play too long into the abyss, the abyss also starts to play into thee )

(Geyde, do I gain any other powers besides resurrecting people?)

(You haven’t been taught anything else by Corax)

The cat struggles under your grasp. It seems to have trust issues.


Oh, right. She is a paladin. Going into true form probably will be worse.
He throws himself into the ground, Marian falling together, curling over in an attempt to protect her.


my cat

fuck you shuri)

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Marian becomes confused as she falls into the ground. Realizing that doing nothing would only make things worse, she gets out of Nicholas’ grasp and throws a dagger towards the Paladin once again aiming for the head.

(I’m eating rn)

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He watches the girl yet not giving hope, even if he doubted the dagger would do too much. That was the spirit, after all.

The woman is stunned by your action, lowering her weapon in response. They block the dagger with their gauntlet, but are still dumbfounded.


( @Mercenary @PoisonedSquid )

Marian looks towards Nicholas in shock not knowing the reason what he did had stopped the woman from downright killing them both.

He is still puzzled as well. He turns his head at the woman, still in protect-position.
“Yes?” The tone of his voice was calm, hoarse as always, the “s” stuck.

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