The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

Wait… Nicholas is a demon?! No… No it can’t be… After all this time, she had been lied to… but he saved her life… maybe she shouldn’t be mad at him. Marian looks at the box next to her wanting to open it, but restrains herself from doing so.

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245 years ago, he slashed holy warriors in armor as they were toys. He was now powerless enough even to resist two blows without bleeding out to death. Pathetic, Asbk, pathetic.
He at least stopped rolling away in a desesperate run against the inevitable when hearing the words of the Paladin. “Tell me more.” He muttered, still looking at the opposite direction.

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After a while, you notice some guards blocking off the major entrance to Castle Adiart. They eye all oncomers.

She approaches the guards.

“Hey, can I see a superior? I have important info to share.”

(time to be blunt)
(also major entrance eh? what about the minor ones)

A guard looks at you sternly before motioning for you to back off.

( @MaximusPrime

(back off like take a couple steps backwards?)

(More like leave the premises immediately)

Lily is a bit indignant that she’d just be ignored like that.

“I really do have info! You can’t just shrug me off like that. It’s important to the war, after all.”

(can i roll to bluff again lmfao)

“Information important to the war?”

The guard stares directly at you, then shakes their head.

“Policy permits that none except extremely important people are allowed in, and we cannot trust this ‘claim’ of information. You’ll have to be more specific to even have a chance.”

Following the girl, you eventually come to the main castle gate of Adiart.

That girl from earlier is over near the entrance, talking to some guards.

“I have a note from the imperial majesty herself. I think I’m pretty important. Now, let me in unless you want to be accused of treason.”

“We would then not need the hand of the populace, but specifically the one of the military. The military, however, is also part of the population - even if only a more reluctant one. Foccusing on the military would still give better results, as I believe, while keeping the populace’s reaction while neutral to me, worried with the kindgom’s stability as a whole. And if chaos echochambered, I could use a heavy hand against allegedly traitors. Which would be of like of the military. Self-feeding system, as long the population is scared.”


“Ah, apologies, I forgot about the military. Yes, we will need the might of the military as well, and we can force their hand with the political pressure from our alliances as well. The nobles have no real power without the king, so we must strike now, before they gain too big of a foothold.”

He kissed him on his forehead.
“Thank you, Richard”

She looks up at the castle.
Indeed. The castle was grand.
She walks towards the castle entrance.

"Sorry, my boss don’t know her limits, she pays me, see?_
She grabs Lily by her neck and moves her behind her, showing her mercenary badge to the guards.
“I’m here to report filthy cultist activity. So, where do I go?”

(wow i hope i don’t regret this i have no idea what i’m doing it’s 1:45 am and i should be asleep)

Well. That was unexpected. He did enjoy Vilhelm’s company, more so than anyone else he has encountered in his lifetime, but was that love? When does friendship cross the line and become line? Perhaps he hass been in love this entire time, but just didn’t know what he was feeling. Well, there’s only one way to find out, he supposes as he leans in and kisses him back.

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The guards nod at the badge. One says:
“Aye. Cultist activity, you say?.”
He seems to think for a bit.
“How dangerous you think they are?”

It was a cordial kiss. Sure, it opened window for that callback, but it was definitively not expected. Not wanting to call for exterior attention neither wanting to traumatize their friend in shame, he let the noble divert himself a little before he pushed softly with a hand on their chest.

“My village has been sacrificed to their insane preachings. I want an answer for them.”

She looks at the guard, with a sad fire in her eyes.

Huh? Wasn’t this the lady who found her cat? Was she stalking her?