The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

“Ah… I suppose this isn’t the right moment. My apologies, Vilhelm.”

Of course it wasn’t. What did he just do?

He gets up and starts walking away.

“I will go and begin spreading disinformation. Let us not speak of this incident again.”

Coming from a voice out of immediate sight. It’s not from any of your crew for sure, and seems to come from behind you.
“You’ve been doing just fine.”

Looking around, more men around the woods would be detectable. Fighting now they were woundless was not wise, still. The girl gambit also would not work.
“I used to be a weapon of war under the cloak of Mithras. It had already been enough effort not to strike.”

Cedar stops moving as he hears the voice behind him. He turns around to face the source.

Lily groans inwardly.

“How much longer do we have to go? My time is valuable and I have important information you know.”

“Bah, I know you are at least a bit upset. Take a time to yourself.”
He starts following, stopping at the door.
“If… you know, anything… Or you felt it all along… You don’t need to be afraid around me.”

“What is this voice? Why must it bother me…?” he said, reaching backwards towards his sword “Whoever you are, leave now. You are trespassing in my house and I will send some other Blue Dragon members here if you persist”

Cedar sees a cloaked figure in the corner of the captain’s cabin. You can only see their eyes, which are a blood red, while the rest of their clothing could be best described as a dark blue.

The point their thumb at the black rose you had looked upon before.

“It’s all for the cause. The captain still believes, through thick and thin. It’s all just another challenge.”

“Still, killing another man is unlike me. Would the Captain still see me with a pure heart knowing what I had done?”

She whistles, dreadfully signalling to the men who had backed off prior.
“And for that, you have three minutes to flee before you die.”


“They see. THEY ALL SEE. They dance around my eyes.” uttered with an air of death.

“Can we, like, not.” Demons usually didn’t dialogue. It was for devils. And for the fire this guy was… Pretty much demon. I am already weakened. It is cowardice.

Under their facemask, they frowned. ‘All about the Captain. This guy is annoying, despite his commitment to the cause.’ He sighed under his breath.

“Of course they would. They killed more than a few people to get where they are now.”

He signals for you to enter back into the captain’s cabin.


The woman turns to you, then their expression turns to a frown.

“He will die. Leave while you can.”

Cedar walks back inside the room and closes the door.
“I am being suspected of corruption… but that’s not true… right?”

Despite feeling a bit of regret looking at the demon in his state, Marian starts to continue in the direction that the book had told her to go.

The figure throws a dagger at a map in the room, getting up.

They are shorter than the last figure you met, about your height. They stride with trained confidence, then mockingly bow.

“Oh, your majesty. That was just a raving lunatic pissed off that the heat was beating down on his shoulders.”

They stare directly at you.

“Just use your head for a moment.”

After hearing the words not directed to him, he turns his head to the Marian, whom him forgot to be at the scene. Seeing her flee alongside the woods, he follows. Even at this stupid, clumsy, slow and weak humanoid form, as all humans were, he was able to catch up.

He stops before he gets too far away.

“I’m just… It’s…”

For the first time in the 15+ years you’ve been around him, Richard seems to be at a loss for words, stripped of his usual exuberant attitude. You’ve never seen him so flustered, not even the other nobles could do this to him, but somehow, you have.

“…It’s simply unwise to add more tension to… our situation than we already have. We should focus on the plan first. Thank you though. Your words mean a lot to me Vilhelm, they really do. I just need… some time alone right now. I will be back by dawn.”

And with those words, he departs.

( you going to pick up the book? )

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