The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

(idk erals pcture looks alot like a man)

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ā€œIā€™ve never seen a man like ya before. Who are ya?ā€

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Whoa. This man is extreme.

ā€œJust wanted a good talk to end the day before going back to my village.ā€

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He seems conflicted on who to talk to, as both came to him in one large blare of noise.

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(not erals but zynx

Cedar slightly raises his voice due to the manā€™s lack of response.
ā€œWho are ya and what are ya doing standing around near the ship?ā€

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(Zynx is a girl)

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She returns to watching the docks again.

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The duke kept looking at Zynx. A good move, sending the butler out.

He attempts to make out a ā€œSorry,ā€ but it comes out as rather flat. Turning to Cedar, he replies,
ā€œI, Iā€™m just a man who would like to findā€¦ Captain Black Stache.ā€

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ā€œWhat do ya want from the Captain?ā€

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The man seems to say nothing at first, but then, he says,
ā€œA private conversation.ā€

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Cedar looks confused as heā€™s used to having his fellow crew members and royalty speak directly to the Captain, but not some stranger who looks completely out of it.
ā€œI never heard about Captain wanting a visitor around this time. I could ask him if he wants to chat with ya, however. Donā€™t be disappointed if he doesnā€™t wish to speak to ya.ā€

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He sighs.
ā€œGo ask him, then.ā€
He puts on what seems to be a forced smile.

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She turns and glances once more at the man. She couldā€™ve sworn she saw this man before. In the papers? Justā€¦ an odd feeling.

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Cedar gets off his bed and starts to walk over towards the Captainā€™s Quarters whereā€¦ the Captain resides (go figure). He once again raises his voice hoping he would hear Cedarā€™s voice without him entering the room.
ā€œCaptain! Someone wants to see ya!ā€

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After a brief moment, the door opens, and Black Stache appears with some notes in his hand. He looks at Cedar and smiles.
ā€œYou alright, Laddie? Whoā€™s the fella?ā€

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ā€œI have no idea. Heā€™s some random old man who stood dazed for a few minutes and wanted a ā€˜private conversationā€™ with ya.ā€

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ā€œPfft, really?ā€
He rubs his moustache.
ā€œWell, heā€™s got a lot of courage, Iā€™d say. Donā€™t worry, iā€™ll put the man in his senses!ā€
He walks over to the docks.

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Cedar follows the Captain keeping caution when he sees the man again from a distance.

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