The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

You didn’t see the start of the exchange between the two, but you see that the captain doesn’t seem to be angered by the man’s presence.

“A private conversation, eh? Come aboard, come aboard!”
“Thank you.”

The man makes his way towards the ship, having a more genuine smile on his face.

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Cedar raises an eyebrow and slowly follows behind the two men wondering what they’re discussing.

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On their way back to the captain’s quarters you hear them talking about “old times” and “catching up”. When they arrive there, you see Black Stache allow the man inside. He turns, seeing you, and says,

“Aye, laddie, thanks for telling me about the old man. We’ll just chat for a bit… and then.”
He talks quieter, saying,
“After this, if you’re ready, we can talk about earlier. Alright?”
He opens the door , enters and closes it slowly. In the glimpse of it, you see the old man asleep.

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Cedar blinks as his confusion continues. Old times? Catching up? The Captain’s never talked about this man before in his life. He begins to whisper to himself.
“No. I can’t just intrude on the Captain’s private business, but there must be something going on.”
Before he could reach the door, he realizes that he has to swab the deck by the First Mate’s orders. He walks towards the outer area, grabs a nearby mop and a bucket, and starts mopping around.
“Maybe I’ll find out soon… maybe.”

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In the privacy of his own room, Richard is about to open the box before he is interrupted by a maid knocking on his door. Sighing slightly, Richard goes to see what it is that requires his attention.

“What is it?”

“Some guests have arrived, sir. A Duke Vilhelm and Zynx of Scythzar. Their reasons for being here are unknown.”

“Let them know I will be on my way shortly.”

“Yes sir.”

Finally alone, Richard goes to open the box before he is interrupted again, as well as locking the door for good measure.

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You, curious, attempt to open the box. At first, it doesn’t budge and in frustration attempt to rip it open. Still no luck. In one last attempt, you casually tug at the box, and the contents spill out unexpectedly. A scroll falls out of the box with 6 more sheets of tattered paper, they all fall in a strange, unnatural, synchronised way onto the floor, and land in a pattern as such the papers surround the scroll.

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Although surprised, Richard does not cry out in alarm. Instead, he silently picks up the scroll and inspects it.

“This is most peculiar,” he thinks. “What is this sorcerery?”

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Unraveling it , you see writing upon writing. A huge inscription split into 33 sections are all on this one scroll. You think to yourself how this shouldn’t be able to fit on such a space… yet… it does. You take a closer look at the writing, and see how it is wrote in a brown colour initially, but when you focus onto it, it highlights in red, the exact same shade as if someone wrote it from their blood. You take an even deeper look into it. It details about things that don’t make any sense, yet make perfect sense. It’s as if the state of the unknown, everything unknown was decipherable into one piece of text. With every word you read, it’s as if it whispers information into you ears. Spirals upon spirals of knowledge…

Yet when you reach the end… it’s as if if you forget everything. Stranger still, you realise you can’t even make out what you just read , as it is in a foreign language.

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addison wakes up after long sleep under a tree And moves to town


You see the hustle and bustle of the town as per usual, but something was off. You saw guards, groups of guards, masses of guards patrolling to and fro , with increased activity. Sometimes they’ll go to the anxious nobles, and tell them something, and with the news, the nobles would get even more anxious.

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Confused and perhaps slightly dazed, Richard hides the box and it’s contents before heading toward the guest room.

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“thats unusual” he thinks to himself and moves to his house catiously

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Richard enters the guest room where @GamerPoke and @Mercenary are. He shows no sign of being unruffled from the incident.

“You requested my presence?”

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“I have mainly came in here to seek in shelter while going to the city, as I have matters to attend in the Council. However, as the moment is found opportune, we may have certain incidents to debate upon”

“Sir Richard, what was in the box you so dearly wanted?”

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“Shelter can be easily arranged. There are already rooms prepared that you may use.”

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“Just something for a colleague of mine. I appreciate the help in retrieving it. Thank you, Zynx.”

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“I have came in earlier, while you weren’t here. Your servants have already alocated me.”

“I’m glad I could be of help”

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“Are there any other matters that you need to discuss with me?”

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