The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

Cedar opens the door and sees a horrific sight.

The captain’s cabin was…trashed. Files, scrolls, and the like are splayed across the room, giving the impression that there was a physical scuffle in the room a few minutes prior. The window was completely removed with no sign of the glass that made it up. The map of Adiart the room had multiple Xs through specific points on them, marked with daggers. It didn’t seem deliberate. The globe (the captain was always a staunch believer in a round world) dripped blood.

The captain was sprawled out on the floor of the room, bleeding from his head. He clearly was in a fight with…something but it wasn’t that easy to point out.

Where is the guest? He’s not even here. There’s no trace of him.

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“To be frank, it does seem as if the rumors are at least partially true, a shame we can’t do anything about it because of this spineless king… Anything else noteworthy of late?”

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Cedar raises his eyebrows and grits his teeth in fear while taking a step back from the door.
“Captain?! What the hell happened to ya?! Where’s the strange man that ya were speaking with?!”

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The Captain is not responding. Is he out cold?


He dashes towards the captain and kneels down to take a closer inspection on him.
“Dammit… what did that man do to ya, Captain? What did he do to ya?”

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Cedar notices…something…under the captain.

He also notices that the Captain appears to have been bludgeoned with something directly to the head.

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Cedar slowly drags the captain off to the side of the room to see what was laying underneath him.

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Zynx was on her way home. On her way, she passed by the docks and just looked at the docks strangly. Then she noticed a window gone from the ship from before but ignored it.

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Lying under the captain was a set of files, and the notes he had earlier were under those.

But there was something else. A sort of note with an insignia for an organization which you couldn’t understand.


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With a shaky hand, Cedar grasps the note and begins to read it.

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Faris was looking at the docks… just wondering what was going on in the ship. Something suspicious may be going on.

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For my Father. And for my Mother.

there is more on the back.

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“F-Father… Mother… what the hell could this mean?!”
He also begins to take some of the files and takes a closer look at them. He flips the note to see what it says on the back while he grabs the files.

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The file looks old and weathered. It clearly had been kept in a place where no man could find it, but the recent disturbance unearthed this ghastly treasure of the past.

You notice that several of these files are written on the same subject matter.

To King Leonard,

It is my greatest displeasure to inform you of a terrible tragedy that has befallen all of us. I remember the days when we once held an innocent conversation without knives hidden up our sleeves. They were great times, weren’t they?

But as all things are, our golden ages fall quickly and unexpectedly. Greed and ambition clouded my once noble vigor, and now all I see is the glitter of gold, the pleasures of the flesh.

You undoubtedly remember your duel with Alnen. The glimmer in his eyes as he fought to keep his life away from those who sought to enact justice upon him for his transgressions of utter treason and contempt against the crown.

Laddie, I can’t keep lying like this anymore. I can’t keep hiding the truth.

It was all a sham. A ruse cooked up by myself in order to secure the continued future of the Green Kraken. It was those damned eyes. I can’t get them out of my head. Andar, Alnen, all of this god forsaken corruption that permeates these politics.

I feel nothing.

All of us noble men are just demons, toying with the lives of others with no sanctity or shred of humanity left.

The rest of the note is illegible, likely because it was written in a stupor of some kind. The captain was always a drunk.

Cedar flipped the note.

This act was done to avenge the lives of all those fallen in the mass execution at Alnester. It’s leader and his people were remembered, and avenged at last.


“Avenged at last?! Does that m-mean he’s…”
Cedar rushes towards the Captain’s body and tries to look for a pulse.

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There is an echo of a beat. It is weak, but not yet waning.

As you turn your back on the files, a figure emerges from a trap door…

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@discobot roll 1d20

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:game_die: 10

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Cedar hears a faint sound. The noise that could only be ascribed to a step.

Whoever assaulted the Captain did not leave the area.

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(called it, but that’s because it’s exactly the type of thing that I would do)

@GamerPoke @Shurian

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