The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

“Any place for the discussion to happen? I would rather not be overheard.”

After what felt like and probably was a few hours, Cedar drops the mop as his arms get consumed with pain once more making them feel sore. He realizes that he has a chance to hear a part of the conversation between the Captain and the mysterious old man. He goes down a level and stops right in front of the door to the Captain’s Quarters. Suddenly, he feels nervous planning on intruding the Captain’s own privacy, but he leans his head against the door to see if he can hear anything.

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“Of course. Follow me.”

They walk a short way down the hall into a small meeting room, locking the door behind them.

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Zynx silenty follows them and puts her ears right up to the locked door

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Two sofas, a coffee table, a fireplace. The good old basics.
— I really wanted to say “long time no see”. Only if you weren’t the one I encountered the most.

“So,” Richard starts, as he seats himself comfortably on a sofa. “What did you want to talk about?”

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Zynx can barely hear words but cannot understand them

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“Do you really have to skip the chitchatting so brutally? It’s my favorite part of talks, you know”
He sighs.
“First share the news, my man. You got a chair into the council?”

Richard smiles slightly

“You know that I like to get straight to the point. But yes, I did.”

(gtg for a bit be back hopefully soon)

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“From viscount to count? Shameful, I know, but I forgot where the line crossed. Welcome to the high nobility anyways, my comrade.”
He observes the smile and gives one with only one side of the mouth back.
“Come on, Richard. I know you are happier than that. Or were, at the moment… Those are cold news, aren’t they?”
He sat down on the opposite, larger couch as well, basically lying down while putting the head on the armlet.
If you let him go, he always talked way too much

The slow journey suits Andar just fine. The slow journey, however, does not amuse Raul even one bit.

“You left yesterday! Before sunset! And you only get here now?”

Andar shrugs.

“Not really my fault your carriage doesn’t have a roof. Your wine’s here, so give me mine.”

“After you move 'em inside.”

Although growling, Raul starts hauling the barrels inside. Sighing, Andar follows him to the cart. He wishes tonight’s wine will be good.

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Zynx goes back to her butler and prepares to leave

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Content to let Vilhelm ramble, Richard relaxes on the cough, not quite slouching. There’s a slight pause before he talks, his weariness showing a bit, although he’s still smiling.

“Yes, I do have some more recent news to share with you. Earlier this morning, a strange man dropped this box, and inside of it was the most peculiar scroll I’ve ever seen. Seen, not read, as it was written in a language that even I did not understand. The box itself was also quite the abnormality, as it could not be opened with force, but a slight push completely threw it open. I know you’ve done your share of traveling, does it sound like any sorcery you know of?”

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He smiled back. After some years, Richard had finally learnt how he always chitchatted his way to everything, pressing buttons to make people react as wanted. The break on spectative was admirable.
“Could be related to some rumours I have gotten, if you don’t mind hearing those probably-lies.”

“I don’t mind hearing them, as long as you’re with me. Anything helps, after all.”

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“The ill tongues say there had been three groups, working under the radar for months or years, to exploit the sheepness of the current king and try to conquest Adiart. The first one would be a faction against the political structure, the second one a group of werewolves or vampires, which I find to be pretty fantasiable, and the third one would be an extremist religion based on blood rituals.”

Cedar hears the rolling of dice on a table. Jeers and subsequent laughter easily recognizable as belonging to the captain can be heard. Is he having the time of his life or something?

“Now that’s the shit wee live for on tis world. Now pony up or else I shlit your throat.” The Captain jeers still clearly laughing. His words were definitely slurred to the extent of near incomprehensibility, whatever that means.

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Cedar whispers to himself as he did not hear what he was expecting.
“Are they playing some kind of game? This is the private conversation they wanted to hide from me? What kind of game would they be hiding from everyone else?.. Maybe it’s not that important to know.”
He shrugs as he sits down next to the door waiting for the Captain to come out.

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A thud is heard.

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He quickly stands back up as he rushes towards the door and attempts to open it to see what the commotion is all about.

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