The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

addison looks around trying to find source of that voice

Looking shocked he looked around “That voice… It cannot be him surely. Why would he not be in the castle. The King!”

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It seems to be coming from an angry woman, coming out of the trees.
“Look, i get that my voice ain’t that high , but I don’t sound like the bloody king.”
She looks around at everyone, judging by her armor, she looks like a Knight from the Blue Dragon.
“Tell me what’s going on 'ere.”


Bowing and showing his equipment he spoke to the person he assumed to be a knight “Hello, I saw a disturbance in the forest so came here… Some people seemed lost so I decided I will help them, I also then explained more about our code of conduct. I have everything handled. How is our liege faring?”

She nods, not elaborating further on the topic.
“Mhm. Well,”
The knight holds up her right hand, and it glows a faint blue.
“You ever heard to keep things short and simple? My squad is stationed near here and you were speaking so long as if you were giving a speech. Never mind.”
With that, her right hand suddenly blares a blue light, and she lunges towards Draco’s companion. She stops just inches away from its nose.
“Geh heh. A hunter, huh? Never understood why you folk are called that, yet are all buddy buddy with your precious animals. Well, a decent chunk of you anyway.”
She gets up, and the blue light dissipates.
“Seems you have it all under control, then? I’ll leave you to it. I’ll head back.”
She walks off, muttering.

addison follows that knight And tries to remain unseen

She returns to a camp of patrolmen.
There are 2 guards outside the camp..
“What did you find?” The guard asks.
“Just a hunter and some lost civillians.” The knight replies.
“Aren’t they always lost?”
“Don’t be like that, Zar. They are people.”
“Dumb people.”
“I’d take a bet that some Blue Dragon are dumber than the commonfolk.”
“Pfft, don’t let any noblemen hear you say that!”
“What will they do? They need us knights, Geh heh.”
The knight goes inside, chuckling.

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addison comes closer to campguards

The guards look at each other, then to you.
“Uh, hello?” One says, but the other asks
"What business do you have, physician?*

”I was assigned to this camp as Its physican”

The guards look at each other, then to you.
“Sorry, but we have all of our designated docs on the premises. Perhaps a misunderstanding?”
“If you tell us your name, we may be able to redirect you to the right camp.”

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”I was assigned here personally by king since there was information of rare kind of disease in this area”

(and you’ve fucked up)


( are they Going to answer ?)

The guards look at each other, longer this time.
They both unsheathe their weapons.
“Look kid, if you were a real physician, you’d know that what you’ve said doesn’t add up.”
“I don’t know your motives, but you should leave now, or we’ll have to take further action.”

”Oh okay” leaves

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As you leave, you hear:
“Who was that?”
“Some guy pretending to be a physician.”
“Wait. Describe them more…”
You are to far away to hear the rest.

The coldness of the guest room did not feel like home. As she slowly lay down on the bed, it felt soft, a sensation unfamiliar to her. Afterall, she slept on the floor back at home. And sleep slowly claimed her…

Fate, however, is cruel. Even in sleep, the pain would not let her go. She saw the village up in flames, the cackles of laughter, together with the screams of pain and terror.

Faris could have managed to scream, but her jaws were clamped tight by an unknown force. She heard each and every scream resound deep in her bones, a chill not unlike the previous encounter she had with those perpetrators.

Though it but meant one thing.
Her friends and family were all gone.
No one probably remained.

The boy’s face then appeared in the midst, his plea to her in the forest while glowing red.

All of them were dead.
What could she do? What should she have done?
There was nothing she could have done!
Wait… “was”…

Now she had time to prepare. What did she want to do?
She wanted to get away… no. Something else other than fear.
She wanted to save them. But she didn’t.
Something… Spoke to her. Was it their god?
It’s real… the god is real…

But… that god just killed off her village.
Her entire, fucking village.
Her heart finally sank.

What happened to her friends. Her family. All for a god. One magical god. It slowly dug into her sense of reason.

She let out a silent scream, heard by no one, no one but herself. Even if someone heard her, they wouldn’t care too much.

She was now alone in her world. Not only did she not have a family, but no longer did she have a reason to keep earning money.

Everything was for them…
If you looked at her sleeping face, you would be trying to find hankerchiefs to wipe the tears off her face.

Why am I still here?


(Bad ending)

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Slowly but surely, Cedar wakes up feeling a bit groggy due to staying up for hours thanks to a couple of images in his head: The Captain and the Black Rose. But can he really call Buk Captain anymore? After all, Cedar’s his successor, and if so, how can he refer to Buk by name? First name? Last name? Nickname? Confusion overtakes him as he goes into a sitting position on his bed.