The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

(roll a d20)

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 19

Addison is able to walk up on the man utterly undetected, unseen by everything.

Upon closer inspection, the manā€™s cloak seems to be emblazoned with the emblem of the Blue Dragon. What would a member of the Blue Dragon be doing foraging for poison?

addison hits man on the head


A few seconds later, Cedar notices the tears left on the Captain and starts to panic. He might be disrespecting his body with his tears staining it! Heā€™s paralyzed with fear until he looks at the black rose on top of Bukā€™s body. With a shaky hand, he grasps the flower and brings it towards him. He has never seen a rose in such a dark shade before, but it looks more calming than a red or white one. Should he keep it? If he did, would he disrespect the corpse even more?! Cedarā€™s fear still lurks inside him.


@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 15

The Figureā€™s words echo in Cedarā€™s mind

ā€œEvery time he looks at you he sees what he once was. He sees an ambitious young man with a heart of 100% gold substitute. He said it himself, with a tired laugh. Now that it is all done, I forgive him for what he did back then. His life grants peace to all those that fell, and to himself.ā€

The man goes down with a thump, not dead but clearly out cold.

addison drugs him with mind controlling drugs

The man is unconscious. He cannot take mind controlling drugs without being awake.

He injects mind controlling drugs into him

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You inject mind controlling drugs into him through an incision you made on his arm. He will be likely to follow your orders when he wakes up.

After the words had settled into him, Cedar once more speaks but to himself this time.
ā€œNoā€¦ itā€™s not a form of disrespect, itā€™s a form of memory.ā€
With that, he continues to hold onto the rose hoping that he can find someplace to put it. A few minutes pass until Cedar finally decides that he has spoken every word that needed to be said. He stands up, walks towards the door and opens it. Before he completely steps out, Cedar turns around to face Buk.
ā€œIā€™ll make ya proud, I promise.ā€

You could have sworn that the manā€™s unmoving face was in that of a smile. Maybe itā€™s just your eyes playing tricks with you but thisā€¦feels like the right thing to do.

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Cedar gives a smile in return as he completely walks out of the room.
ā€œParn, ya and the rest of the crew can continue what ya were doing before.ā€
His voice is much more calmer than before with the smile still on his face.

(want me to timeskip to the funeral for you)