The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

Zynx set out with her butler bringing along a Crossbow that she can kinda use, arrows for the crossbow, and a dagger. Her butler has a frying pan as that is his favorite weapon to hunt with.

Addison arrives at the town square. Considering it is morning, people are bustling around the town square.

He gently closes the book and guards it on the box again.
“I may make use of this later…” He kept muttering to himself “Wait, am I getting crazy? No. It’s better for it never to be opened and I should strive for pacificity if possible”
He raises his voice tone “Richard? I think it is safe”

“Alright, I’m coming in.”

Richard enters the room, eyes darting around the room to make sure nothing went wrong.

“Well, what did you see?”

The box seals itself tightly with an audible clasp due to the presence of Richard.

“What did you really see when you opened this box?”
His voice was almost incriminating.

“A scroll. Why? Did you happen to see something different? Well, the box is of sorcerous nature, after all…”

The last part was muttered to himself, deep in thought. Richard does not seem to notice your change in tone as he is too concerned with the box and it’s purpose. He trusts you implicitly, anyway.

“Not notes, I think. May be notes under a different meaning or depending on what was written in the scrolls… I really hope it isn’t it.”

He moves his hand instinctively to the belt while he thinks, to the manople of the rapier. A natural gest when thinking under pressure or distrust.

Richard has no fucking clue what you’re talking about. However, he doesn’t miss the movement of your hand, feet shifting slightly in case he needs to run or defend himself.
“Hm? What notes? Did you happen to see notes in the box?”

“No, but I saw a book instead of a scroll. Its first page was saying “not to open it” and if that someone who would try to break its seal for nefast purposes opened the box, it would instead show up as a bunch of scrapped anotations.”
He noticed the movement of his own hand, but didn’t move it further from where it was.

addison walks around the town hoping to find something


(it checks if there is event to trigger in are he is rn)

As Zynx and her butler walk more, they finally find a bear that they could kill. Before the bear could see them, Zynx shot the bear with a crossbow.

The bear roars, then falls to the ground with a sound thud.

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Andar turns around, seeing the man skulking about. His eyes narrows.

“You got business with me?”

His hand holding the empty bottle tightens.

Zynx goes and gets the arrow out of the bear’s neck.

Zynx: “That was a fun kill, wasn’t it?”

Eral: “Yes Master”

And then they both leave to find a new target for their hunt without doing anything to the bear.

The stonefaced man looks down to the ground in disappointment with a slightly puzzled disposition, then turns their eyes to meet yours.

“Nope, none at all.” He says, very much suspiciously.

“If you’d excuse me I’d be on my way.”

(roll a d20)

@discobot roll 1d20