The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

“P-Pwactic, Pam, pwactic.”
It’s getting harder for Cedar to see and his awareness of his surrounds is fading. Cedar’s on the brink of passing out either from the immense trauma or high amount of alcohol, whichever is the cause doesn’t matter to him.

“I’ve seen this man quite a few times before, and based on where he was seen at what time can maybe help you see if this is the right guy”.

At the mention of a demon the man unsheathes a shining blade, positioning it so that Andar’s reflection can be seen on the blade.
“You have been consorting with demons? Answer me!” Said with zealous vigor.

He waves your apology away, approaching you to embrace you in a hug.

“It is of no concern, I would trust you with my life, after all. Come in, take a look at these papers. Some of this is most troubling, and I have heard that the king has fled, that coward. Do not worry about the box, I will do my best to burn it. I do not think it is healthy for anyone to be in possession of it.”

With a dangerous disposition, Parn grins with evil abandon.
“This ish for hic making me goddamn swab your deckshit so goddamn often” Probably referring to his time with the old captain.

He punches Cedar. Not that hard but considering what’s already happened it may hurt. A bit. A lot.

Andar whistles. That’s one good blade if anything.

"How about we got out of the way for now? We’d be gathering attention standing here, " he says, gesturing to the farm full of people.

He hugs back and takes a seat in front of where he was.
“The time I have found inside it had written on its first page that it was sealed so that no one could still use it. If it was magically sealed, I think it also have some indestructibleness factor into it”
Taking the papers before reading the lines, he continued.
“Yes. I hopped into the capital, I don’t know if you have seen what I have written. There already are plenty of scouts looking for him and the area of the entire kingdom should be covered within days.”

“Certainly, but let it be known that you blew my cover with your debaucherySaying the last word with a slow and aggressive tone, an knife of an accusation.

“You clearly haven’t been consorting with demons, but you have been in close proximity with one. Have you accepted any deals recently?”

The guard finally acknowledges your presence. He tells you of the camp’s location.

(fuck where is it)

Cedar makes a loud grunt as the pain in his body increases even more. Pain is all he can think about at this point. From the thoughts he has been able to create, he knows he wants to fight back, but he’s mentally and physically incapable of doing so.

(The Camp’s location, not the man. The man is right there)

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“This is concerning, to say the least. The kingdom is falling apart and we are vulnerable to attacks right now without a king to lead us.”

This is most troubling indeed. Where the fuck is our king??

(retconned what I said to fix)

“Never letting me get in the last goddamn word! You left me a lone scared of my ass bitch!” Parn says as he goes in for the knockout blow.

“Lars shouldn’t have the head to rule as well, maybe temporarily. Maybe” he repeats in a sarcastic, almost evil tone.

Andar doesnt answer. Walking backward, he beckons the man to follow him away from the village and a few steps into the wood. Then he answers.

“Nearly signed one myself. I cancelled at the very end.”

He throws the broken bottle into the wood.

“Never knew my laziness can save me from a bind.”

Right as the blow hits Cedar, everything cuts straight to black. Silence, nothingness, emptiness. He’s not dead, but his body is unresponsive.

Trying to read Andar’s intentions, he inquires further before following with hesitation.
“What were the tenants of the deal? What was the contract over?”

It’s at this moment that a maid knocks twice on the open door frame. and says, “Your meals are prepared, sirs.”

“Thank you, maid. I’m famished.”

Richard gestures at you to follow him.

“Come, we’ll talk more at the table.”

Andar scratches his cheek again.

“Will you believe me if it’s to trick me into selling my soul?”