The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

( It’s not shit, but it’s not that great )

(what’re my options then? taking it off the flame with a bottle/vial holding metal thingy/gloves? or like use water)

“Well, Marian. We’re discussing important matters of our war effort. I’m sure you don’t care about that given your apparent occupation…but sure.” Throwing his hands in the air. “Nobody in their right might understands what to do, most of them haven’t even planned a combined attack in their lives! It’s a fucking suicide mission for the men.”

(taking it off the flame with gloves?)

(this is how you would typically do it)

“Have you discussed the plan with the higher ups?”

(alright then)

Lillian takes the bottle off of the flame with gloves, trying her best not to spill it.

“That’s what the purpose of this session is! We’ve got all the subcaptains of our ships here at this council. Damn idiots can’t even talk to people on an equal level to them.” He deadpans.

Richard gives a non committal “Mhm,” before replying with “but war’s still war, and you can see the effect it has on the citizens’ morale…”

“Maybe I can talk to them. A fresh idea can perhaps spark a new solution. That’ll be better than hitting a brick wall so many times.”

He listens to her comment, hearing the utterly hilarious proposition. Somebody reasoning with a load of neanderthals? Really? He chuckled. “Yeah, try it. It’s a great idea and everyone will totally regard your position with a shred of seriousness.”

Marian starts to walk over towards the pirates at the table with her arms crossed.
“And they sure listened to you.”

He sighted, always forgetting to take civilians in consideration. “Yes, we are not happy with this war. I also hate how we pardon plunders away and honestly I think we should just stop with the Green Kraken while maintaining with the Navy”

“And you’ll enjoy being torn alive. I need a drink.” Saying that as he goes to leave the building, heading to give the Captain the current plan for invasion.

pfft I can handle a bunch of knuckleheads on any day.”
She stops directly behind the pirates with a smug on her face.
“Hey rustbuckets, what’s your little plan?”

‘They can be trusted’. It’s a whisper, a noise in your head. It doesn’t belonged to you and never has. It calls for you.

An incoherent mess of screaming, mumbling, and the like can be heard from the men. They shout with a rowdy egotistical manner, while the few with any shred of reasonability discuss a shoddy plan of attack, always finding obvious flaws with the others.

When you enter, one of them in their frustration calls out to you.

“Ey, lassie. We’ve already drafted it up on parchment and sent it out to the Captain. It’s not great…” He says while looking to the man on his right, “But with proper reinforcement from the Golden Dragon provided Cedar deals well with them, we’ll likely win.”

“In any case, why’re you here! You got something to say?”


As the potion cools, the bright orange morphs into a cool blue. You’ve never seen this hue in any potion brewed before.

*Of course I do, why would you send a plan to Cap if you think the plan’s trash anyway? Wouldn’t that make it harder for him?"

Blue? What could blue possibly mean? Do I drink it myself…?

Her mother’s voice rings in her head as she remembers being reprimanded for trying to drink an emerald potion when she was young. Well, it did look like a vegetable smoothie at the time…

Nah, better not risk it. Maybe I should test it on a small animal…?

She knows that red means healing and green means death, but blue??? Unwilling to test it on herself, she heads to the forest, bringing her crossbow with her this time, in case she has a second encounter with the rogue bear.

(remember to answer me Maxi btw