The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

(how long have we been riding for btw? like we could stop for a short break if we’ve been riding for 2+ hours game time :PPP)

(I think so
if you want we stop
if you don’t we don’t

“Speaking of water, let’s take a break. We’ve been riding for a couple hours now.”

@MaximusPrime @Mercenary

Both of you arrive at the capital, Adiart. As you pass through the gates, it is heavily apparent that security has been tightened up. Far fewer common people can be seen bustling around, with the ones that are getting out of your way nearly instantly.

Guards can be seen on almost every street corner. Merciless eyes crack down on even the slightest of insubordinances. In any case, your presences are looked upon with a mixture of hope and distrust. The people are wary, the crown even moreso.

The captain of the guard bids you past the commoners.


Raul’s eyes followed Andar, sweat dripping down his brow. Wiping his head with a handkerchief normally used to clean bottles, he tries to put not draw any unwarranted attention to himself. If he left to quickly down to meet Andar, he would be done for.

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“The guard announced to the people that the king went missing then, or the rumours took form. Most of them should also know of the war declaration. Anyway, it’s good to see the patrols on street.” By the lack of people on streets now, they barely needed to get our of their horses if they rode them at an even pace.

The thinking man gestures in annoyance, trying to get her to leave him to be.
“I’ve got far more important things to do than to entertain the company of a lass like yourself. Men’ll die if they go down that river. It’s a deathtrap for deathraps. Ships no matter the size will sink there, and the idiots at the table don’t quite get it.”

Lillian checks on how her brew is doing or something around that manner.

The brew is starting to bubble over! The flame that was heating it up was too hot!

“What kind of river has the power to sink massive ships? If it’s tiny, it shouldn’t be such a big deal.”
Marian remains where she is and looks slightly annoyed at the man’s tone.

“I would rather we didn’t need the patrols at all. All this because of the damned Green Kraken…”

Lillian carefully turns down the flame, making sure that she doesn’t spill or tip anything over.

“It’s not that!” He waves his hands, looking at the table in aggravation.

“The problem with the river plan is the abomination that resides there. Had they read the recent headlines of Adiart they may have learned what a horrible idea it is to go to a place that could hold one of those. Besides, a Crittanian embassy is near that area, and anyone can fucking attest to the horrible idea it is to go up against them.”

(You can’t turn down a flame. That would require it being gas powered :^) )

“I like security” He pats your shoulder. “Crittania got a huge debit due to their war expenses, and they are currently a weak competitor to the Xed. In a desesperate attempt they would simply sabotage the ways, but I convinced them not to. And they forgot it literally the day after to do it anyway”

(hell yeah you can with MAGIC)

“What kind of scary monster could possibly fit into a river?”

“I DON’T KNOW” He shifts his attention directly to her, visibly flipping out. “I JUST KNOW THAT EVEN ATTEMPTING THAT IS A HORRIBLE IDEA. I GET CHILLS THINKING ABOUT IT.”

“Who’re you? And why are you even here?”

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(shit it isn’t? damn what kind of shitty alchemy set do i have then)

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“I’m Marian, some random girl that makes sure people don’t kill themselves. I was getting bored waiting for Cap to get back to the ship, so I decided to chill here.”