The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

“I guess that’s fine. The people in Xed aren’t known to be religious, so I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if we search through some of them.”

“Maybe they discarded the logs then. Any place with historical records? Or maybe they could all be moved to the Blue Dragon, since they realized the cruzades”

Ugh, really? What could this blundering fool want outside of dropping his craft at Erbit’s doorstep?

“This had better be important, you know, Andrew, else I’m changing the lock on that door.”

Of course, this was an empty threat. Erbit knew that he’d rarely step outside of his dwellings for anything, and even so, he knew also that Andrew would make a point to scope out exactly where and when he would buy the lock and key, coupled with the type of it. Not even out of spite or any malicious intent, either - Erbit knew Andrew would do it just because he could.

“We do have a place where we keep our records that’s not far off actually.”

He gives a small reverence to the prince.
“We arrived there by now, discussing matters between ourselves earlier. The guard has captured a spy, although I have no further info.”

He moved his head suddenly. “Where?”
Jokes on her, if they found the cruzade logs he would also complete his objective. Win-win.

“It’s by the Tavern, it’s pretty unnoticeable by the general public, so getting in there should be easy.”

He confirms with the head, waiting for you to lead the way.

Marian slowly walks over to the historic building by the Tavern hoping that nobody would notice her with the odd figure.

The masked mage slowly walks over to the historic building by the Tavern hoping that nobody would notice him following the figure.

The main in mail brandishes a knife. They point it at Andar with a cold, detached look in their eyes. Your scrambling registers no response whatsoever.

“Let’s cut to the chase. You, Andar Alsudi, are not who you say you are.”

He flips the knife over his head to his right hand. Seems to be the dominant one, but the more immediate threat here is the very honest intent to kill exuding from his disposition.

‘What thoughts? This is reality. I’m right behind you.’ A voice chimes in, this one more cordial and paced.

@Mercenary @PoisonedSquid

Surprisingly enough, nobody paid much attention to the odd figure walking over to the historic building by the Tavern.


Marian enters the building looking around for any guards nearby.

The masked mage enters the historic building by the Tavern looking around for any guards nearby.

Marian spots a guard in the far corner standing in front of a doorway.

He’s got a bored expression on his face.

A few stares from passerby, but otherwise very little attention is on you.

Walking into the historic building by the Tavern, you immediately stick out like a sore thumb. Turns out that getup doesn’t quite help much. A man reading a tome sitting at a table instantly focuses on you.

He’s not doing anything but he is watching to see what you do, and you can definitely tell that.

She walks over towards the guard looking calm.
“I would like to look at some papers.”

“Gonna have to be more descript than that.” He deadpans.

“It’s for a project that I’m working on, ya know… learning about some crazy Cult stuff.”