The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

“Well, can the book tell us where we need to go next?”

“Those were the answers you needed, or the information you needed to hear. I see you are eager to catch on information as well”
This guy would probably be too weak now to hand a brainwash conversion, but a killer of the king would still be a valuable sacrifice. Why the gods didn’t want him to be sacrificed, Palie didn’t know.
“I do not understand why do you keep negating their existence, when they have been showed to you clearly for years. You cannot deny what you know for sure to be real. Instead, embrace them. If you hear them, it is because you have been picked among lots to serve a higher purpose than you could understand.”

He knew where he wakened up, and feared too much opening the book now as it probably had the power to make the girl know of his true nature.
“Yes. It is nearest the capital than any other human inhabitance, even if still far away. Follow me.”
He jumped the window with the box and his book, seeing the building from the front. A locked door hode two dead bodies… But freeing the devil was worth it.
“You know this place. Pick some place to hide and buy craft material. Something to fix the clothes” he talked about the own blows he had received, apparently really ignoring or not feeling the pain that would make most rely on others to be even able to walk.

“It would be lovely to be useful… Yet if I embrace it and spread the word, I’ll be executed on suspicion of being a traitor. I know they exist and yet I cannot say it, if I allowed myself to believe in their existence then I might slip up when questioned… It’s hard to explain when our teachings are far more strict than yours.” He sighed, once again very quietly. The lady had just spared his life somewhat so he had to speak to her out of politeness and respect “It seems I have a lot to be taught but most importantly the ways of embracing and yet hiding it to others. I guess I will be around you for a good while, even after we get out of here. If you have more to show me then I will let you, perhaps if I see it’ll open my eyes. If your gods trust me enough to speak surely they trust me enough to see?”

Marian gets off the table and begins to follow Nicholas still confused on what is going on, but at least she doesn’t have to lay on that unclean table anymore.

“How do you think we all are alive? Mithras isn’t a stupid preacher giving out ads under the rain, neither allow us to come into death if it does not follow his plans”

He is still thinking if it was really better not to execute her, but if anything they could do he process later at the abandoned camps. They probably could ask for necromancy directly to the book, if the demon had enough courage to open it again.

“Of course you have all been guided by him. So I shall accept it too, it’s not like you’ll just let me run off to a paladin and get the voices taken away anyway. His plan shall lead me for now at least, I am only a hunter, nothing special.”

“They won’t remove the voices. They will behead you.” She did something at your right hand, the same feelings from the left one. “Kind is Mithras, for not executing a slayer of our kin. By the way, where do you live?”

As she follows him, Marian takes a deep look at herself and remembers what she has done. Guilt is all that’s present.
“Who knew the weight of killing men would be so heavy?.. I’ll revive them… And then I can apologize for what I’ve done.”

“Adiart town centre. There’s a crossroads nearby between the forest, port, castle and our town. I’m in a hunter’s house, marked by traps or blood. I have blood on the outside of my door” He smiled at the Mithras comment however since he was thankful he wasn’t just slain yet

“Where do you keep the animals? I am pretty sure they would get hunted down if free in the forests, unless they are inside your house. And you would need a pretty big house for that.” She then hugged Draco by the side. “If you could sustain yourself, that would be useful”

He could not feel the same. Only relief that the paladin is gone and pride of slaying their allies.
“Necromancy usually don’t make people sentient, only producing zombies and skeletons that are slave of a single mind.”

“I keep them with me most of the time. Sweet grizzly bears and wolves. Yet once I leave, I let them roam for a short while before they head back, of course with my animal communications I learned their paths so my traps are placed pretty much everywhere else. We have a lot more space available too. Perhaps the basement? Or an upstairs room” Hunters were quite privelleged with their houses, being quite large compared to some other workers since they were the knights of the town essentially, praised for hard work, the hug caught him off guard though, making him slightly blush

@CheesyKnives @Geyde

Prince Lars is not alone. The other person with him should be Duke Vilhelm, if he is not mistaken. Andar takes off the hood of his cloak as he gets into view.

Ah, finally. Time to get rid of the formal tone.

“Is this a family gathering? Quite a shame if the king is not here, if so.”


“Not usually, you say, but I’m sure there’s a way that can change… People deserve to feel again, you know?”

She looked at Draco with an are you horny or an idiot look he could not see.
“It is because you are too weak to walk alone”

“It can’t. Death is a barrier even priests can’t reach. And when they do it at their better, dreadful death knights are created”

Shaking his head in denial “Not at all… I can walk alone if I want yet the Blue Dragon use my companions as proof of my loyalty since apparently the cult nor unseen use my sweet friends” Since he couldn’t see, being hugged from the side could mean many things to him so it was natural he misunderstood

He pays attention in every step of the unknown man who dressed nothing like royalty.
“Pardon my sir, but what are you trying to significate?”