The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]


After a few minutes, the Blacksmith finishes with the sheathe.

He hands it to you.

Andar shrugs. When he left his room, he can’t bear to leave the honey wine behind. He had it strapped to his belt, showing it to the guard.

“It’s honey wine. Still sealed.”

“Sadly, I’ll have to confiscate that.”

He glances around.

“After, that should be it. Lars is in the courtyard, so we will go there. It’s in front of the main court and the throne room. Any other questions?”


Yes. Don’t you dare touch my wine.

If he refused to follow it, refused to sacrifice, refused to make pacts…
They would not be a precursor of Mithras’ will.
And he wanted to experience living as a human, not a puppet.
He raises the cerimonial knife, not able to perform the cut. It was the first nickname he ever received and the girl obeyed with faith all his commands. He couldn’t change her life unwillingly like that.
Pardon me, devil, as I won’t.

“Nick? What’s going on? Are you okay?”

He put the knife over the book, closing the box and hoping not to be heard anymore.
“I missread things and just noticed it now”

“So what do we need to do then?”

“Thanks a whole lot!”
She looks at the sheathe… and slides her sword right in.

“Damn smooth! I’ll catcha later!”

“Bye!” He waves.


“Then we shall go to the courtyard.” He says signalling for Andar to follow him.

“I’ve no real skill for small talk, but why have you come here?” He says, walking.


It is not that he did not want to speak, but Andar feels like if he says it at the moment, the captain might force him to return.

“It’s better to talk when everyone concerned is present. Repeating a speech… that, I do not like.”

“In being freed, the book talked about getting moved from the watch of the paladin”
He removed the blindfold from over your eyes

Vilhelm looks at the distance to see a man coming from behind Lars.
“Someone is approaching” He indicates, resting the teacup in the table.
@damafaud @Geyde @cheesyknives

After two days in the inward hell, Draco felt again a warm sensation at his lip, it being pushed over.
“Start to swallow or you will drown. You can’t feel it nor taste it”

As he tried to open his mouth to object the force caused some of… Whatever was being pushed, to enter his mouth. His body wasn’t strong enough to fight, being starved of food and drink… Even sleeping was almost impossible, it was torture on the mind

It was a mixture between the two things she had found of somewhat feeding nature in the room: Some water that probably wasn’t in good state and wheat that followed the rule.
“Now, what did you do to the man you have seen before”

“What did I do? Nothing. He was preaching and I just listened. There was a knight nearby though, she may have lost her temper and killed him” he said, looking towards the lady, he clearly didn’t have the energy to lie. The nourishment was only enough to barely speak in a hushed whisper

“I may have returned later than I expected. The rituals couldn’t help at your actual state. I pretty much know our seeker to be alive but missing. He would never depart without alert and his death isn’t in the intent of Mithras”
You could feel her doing something around the base of your left hand.

Trying to think of how to question her without angering the gods he spoke again “Mithras, your god. The voices returned to me louder than before, it’s like he knew I was struggling to keep going. Why would a non-cultist hear his voice? I’ve never understood it. The man said only those who truly have favour can hear. It’s an honour and that I shouldn’t resist it” Draco was clearly confused, thinking that something must have happened, something that he couldn’t explain. The BD’s code of conduct forbode hallucinations so why was this one present in an innocent person? He tried to work out what the lady was doing with his hand, a bit concerned