The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

“So, where is your forest shelter, abandoned shack, rain shelter cave or whatever. We can’t really go to the town without getting attacked by your friends

“I stay by the river, it’s peaceful and in the open, allowing for me to see others approaching. I could always go to the town by myself if needed…”

“Death Knights? What are those?”

“You can’t” She started to walk towards the river.

Come to think of it, Duke Vilhelm is a nephew of the current king. Prince Lars is the son of the king, and he’s a brother to the prince. Which means…

“Guess this will be the first time. Should I call you Brother Vilhelm? I’m your relative that had been living in the dark but my life is threatened so I came here looking for protection. Hi cousin.”

“People revived by necromancy who can somehow maintain a drop of consciousness”

He looked to Lars with eyes that said “deal with it”, hiding a sarcastic smile.

“That shouldn’t be so bad, as long as they’re aware and willing to fight, we should be good.”

“Complicated rituals. It is better to raise mindlessly if you are looking for efficiency”

@Geyde @CheesyKnives

He just wanted to get away but that’d be pretty impossible without being able to see “What are we going to do then? Starting to look for your friend?”

They didn’t want him to be forcely converted. They didn’t want him to be sacrified. “Let you at a somehow decent state of living” The hard terrain ended, moving to the deep wilderness one.

Thinking for a second, he spoke, the wilderness making him feel more natural “Are you able to hide your cult side somewhat? If so we may be able to stay in my home… Not that I should be offering but it’s safer and warmer”

“At a physical level? Obviously yes. A spiritual one? Maybe, but why should I attempt to? The cloak of blood and darkness rest under our shoulders, and we don’t need protection better than divine intervention. Pious are they for protecting the weak”

“I wouldn’t ask you to fake it at a spiritual level since you are clearly devout and wish for me to embrace it too. Yet if you could not make it too obvious I will let you in and you can do whatever you want in my house… Within reason. I’ll also instruct my companions not to attack you” Most people he’d allow to be attacked yet this was some moment of compassion… It’d be most comfortable in his house too but that was beside the point

“Fine. But if this is somehow a trap made by words, the ones who will die upon my attacking will be your companions. You have been warned.”
The town of Adiart. New the capital, had a road to the village they went upon but they took an alternative route for some reason. The dirt had became somehow more fluffy and then wet for a moment, returning to only fluffy as you both walked.

Nodding, he tried to reassure the lady “Of course I won’t try anything… I cannot see anyway and it would be foolish to betray you before I get my sight back” his words were harsh but true showing a primary thought of survival above all else

“… We don’t know how complicated the rituals could be, so it’s best to at least try.”

“I do” The mage walked in the shadows “A ton for a person who will be up for three days or so”

“That is not the concern. Again, I am protected. Any attempt to kill me would be certain death. Hard to understand?”

“Not at all. I am merely saying I wouldn’t try it anyway. Are we far from town?” he said, unable to see