The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

She went into the kitchen and as far you could heard, went to boil something, then returning and trying to open a locker in the bedroom.

ā€œMost drawers are trapped as are my closetsā€ he said with a yawn, laying down in his bed. Turns out all of his rooms could change colour by magic usersā€¦ His current room colour was a light purple from when he had to invite and kill an assassin

Giving him energy would be crucial for when the rune activated, yet doing so too early could case him to prejudice her. Pretending to be making something while boiling tea was the way. As she opened a drawer anyway, the room went black. Full black.

His drawers contain many things, every single one different
Drawer 1: His old journal - Contains information about growing up and the incident heā€™d mentioned many times
Drawer 2: Book on the Blue Dragon - the cover seems to shift around as if looking at the holder. Yet if it falls into the wrong hands words could easily change and become twisted
Drawer 3: Spare animal whistle - Too high for human hearing but it allows for good control of his companions
Drawer 4: Current journal - Contains information about more recent hunts and the fight against his whispers
Drawer 5: Anti-Unseen propaganda - Wilted roses, many petalsā€¦ Even a bloodstain on a book? Could be used to show that he lets enemies perhaps get a bit too close
Drawer 6: Anti-Cult propaganda - Symbols or runes all crossed through with the Kingā€™s decree writing pen. Has teachings on Mithras, a book just about the cult.

@discobot roll 1d6

:game_die: 3

You find a small animal whistle inside the drawer, itā€™s made out of silver and shines quite nicely despite the fact Draco uses a different one. Heā€™s too tired to notice anything especially in a room of blackness

The used the whistle, realizing it didnā€™t make sound. Shruging, she hide it alongside the hunting knife. Silver was valuable to rituals for the devils and demons, even if the cult wasnā€™t supposed to be a faction of thieves.

He seemedā€¦ Unusually tired, surely a quick nap wouldnā€™t hurt. Soon after he fell asleep

Nice. Now Palie didnā€™t had to act or whatever.
She opened the drawers in order. The first had a journal. Interesting. She took to read.

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His mother went missing from when Draco was only a few days old, rumours have it that she was killed by an assassin due to being an ex-knight so his father was the one to bring him up. As a hunter he was always surrounded by animals of different sizes, he was also taught about traps -the book containing very basic information about a single type of trap used to catch a live animal-. Further in the book it spoke about his school life, he was a student when attended the highest academy in adiart where many royals were present. Many details about his teacher were also included

Name: Evadne Aegle. Class: Paladin. Teacher: Hunter Class. Speciality: Cultist Runes and Purification spells. Fate: Slain by Draco, aged 13 after being converted to the Cult. Draco was diagnosed with slight hallucinations although itā€™s not concerning since it may just be slight trauma

Damn, she wanted more info in the paladin but whatever. She put it back as it if was and opened the second one, a trap triggering into her finger. Mostly annoyed, she pulled it out recklessly even if it hurt herself and took the second one.

The eyes of the dragon on the cover slowly follow her as she looks at the book. It contains a few basics about the BDs code of conduct and the roles that all BD members play for the greater good of Adiart. Since itā€™s being held by dark hands though the pages seem to shift and also show convert potential, the names of the potential convert classes showing in a blood red as if the book was bleeding. In the back as well where it normally only contains the Kingā€™s decrees it also morphs to include a long detailed story about Mithras and the wonders he will provide. ā€œEvery home shall be a place of worship over time and none shall escape my power. My people shall rule over the kingdom and be freed of the rules from their past livesā€

Maybe the magic that made the book polymorph could be broken if it was damaged. She tried to slice the border of some pages with the hunting knife.

The pages were unusually hard to slice, seeming to be made of something quite strongā€¦ Yet when theyā€™re cut open something leaks out, to someone without use of magic itā€™d seem likeā€¦ Blood? Only slight magic is contained inside and barely any of it leaks out when the pages are cut. The messages on those pages seem to darken slightly

(@BlueStorm aw hell yeah it is im mr NPC man)

Strangely, for a capital city, there arenā€™t many people around. From the time youā€™ve walked, the place is almost barren of people. No citizens or crowd having an old chat or meandering around on the streets, or even shady people in the alleyways. And the rare ones you do see, seem a bit of anxious and uneasy, as if theyā€™re afraid ofā€¦ something.

When you approach the shopping district, not all to far from the watchtower, you may have seen the reason for the aura of intensity. The collective noise gave you a clue.

Guards, and lots of them. In all places around the area, as if they displacing the people out the market. Eyeing and watching the merchants that dared to go out like hawks, it was no wonder people were afraid to go out. Sure, more guards were out, but what did that implyā€¦?

As you look through the place, eyes watching, you spot the shop that you were observing earlier. Perhaps that place could be of luck?

She attempted to use the blind spell on the book, as it bled. Maybe could be somehow alive or sentient.

Curious indeed. Erbit should feel at ease at the lack of people, but for some reason, he doesnā€™t. Guard presence was always nice for his security, but there was something unusual about this that he couldnā€™t quite put his finger on.

He approached the shop and tapped lightly against the counter, if you can call it that, to catch the shopkeepā€™s attention.

ā€œExcuse me! Excuse me, good sir or madam, would you happen to have any bottles of ink?ā€

The writing disappearedā€¦ But this would only work for magic users. Non-magic users would still see normal pages. The book was somewhat alive

She threw it back, not rearranging the trap. It wouldnā€™t matter when night came.
She opened the fourth drawer, skimming to see what it was about.