The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

She notices the box that Nicholas is carrying knowing that the book is inside. It probably shouldn’t hurt to read it herself, right? Marian subtly opens the box, grabs the book, and opens it.

The mage didn’t seem to notice, still walking straight.
“You mentioned a captain earlier.” Obviously, most people around should be pirates. “What is your crew?”

“We’re just one crew out of many, but we’re more ‘special’ because of the fact that Black Stache was the most powerful Captain out of the rest. We have Captain Aurum now, but he hasn’t been able to do anything of importance yet. The rest of us are just low hanging fruit except to the First Mate, but he’s pretty rough on the edges.”

“Oh. I thought you came from a bunch of nobodies.”

“Well, we’re less nobody than any other crew, but we’re still nobodies… I think.”

“The less attention I bring, the better. You already know I don’t like receiving sidelooks”

Why has it not happened


All you see is darkness. You can’t move, but your body continues to scrape against a surface. You are being dragged somewhere, but where?

Marian raises an eyebrow at the text as it makes no sense to her.
“What hasn’t happened yet?”

“Yes, and I know it happens everytime I skep anywhere. I can’t really complain of it, though, as at the end everything boiled down to my choice.”

Very well. I will not stop you, nor can I try.

Just let it be known that this may deprive you of some of your power. Power that could be used to help you in your pursuits of not drawing attention to yourself.

(can I talk and move? or are my hands tied or something)

(you can talk, but cannot move)

“What do you mean about deprive me of some of my power? I don’t have anything special to me… do I?”

You were deprived of reaching your full potential.

The ritual was not perfected. I will not release the spell’s contents, as promised.

“Wait… but Nick said that he misread the instructions and you said that we had to move somewhere else.”

He looked to the side, the last phrase pinging him as if she was talking to someone else. He proceeds to notice that the girl is in possession of the book, and he looks up on it, hiding that he gained insight on what the girl had done.

I never said that we had to move somewhere else.

“… What? … No, Nick would never lie, right?”
Marian becomes a little troubled and confused as to what the book is telling her.

“Jill, why did you drug me? Assuming your name is actually Jill, of course.”