The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]


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“I was delivering these for a friend of mine, and as such, do not know what is on them, unlike your subordinate here who more than likely snooped through them. As such, this box belongs to me for the time being.”

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“Which friend? I’ve heard famous tales of your house. A land with no friends to speak of.”

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“Land that you and your filthy pirate friends stole. And his name is Iskandar Alsudi, you must have heard of him with your status.”

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Black Stache is taken aback, and for the first time begins to sweat.

“That man is dead!”

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“I recommend that you get your information from more credible sources, Captain. Now, I will retrieve the box and take my leave, if you’d be so kind to let me.”

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The captain almost instantly regains his composure, searching for an answer to this madness. He then remembers that thief who was running around trying to take the parcel. Maybe…

It all made sense now.

“Very well. Have your scrolls.”

He lowers his crossbow.

“But you’ll never have my men’s heads.”

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“W-Was that man the guy with the bleeding leg that showed up right around the t-time I found the box?.. No… h-he would have been limping.”

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Richard reaches down and takes the box, still slightly suspicious of the crew.

“There should be nothing wrong with defending myself.”

He turns to leave, but pauses before he does.

“Cedar? A shame it had to turn out this way. You seemed nice.”

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“If you could wait for a moment, I need to hear this lad out.”

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“When I-I found the box, I saw a f-figure with a limp leg t-that was bleeding out… From what Rick h-has been telling us, I would assume this… Iskandar fellow was the figure… however, if that were the c-case, why w-was he suddenly able to move w-without difficulty despite h-his recent injury?”

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Addressing all parties with a hand gesture. “That’s enough. You may leave with your prize noble.”

Turning to Cedar “Laddie, just lie down for a bit or something. I need you to be in a condition to speak with me on this matter soon.”

He heads back toward the ship, signalling for Cedar to be brought on.

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He sighs as he limps towards the inside of the ship disappointed with his failed attempt.

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Richard walks back to his carriage, acting confident.

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He rides his carriage back to his castle or whatever nobles live in, then opens the box when he knows that he’s safe

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She gets out of the inn after all the chaos has been blown over. With some money in her purse, the situation did not escape her keen eyes.

But yet, what did it matter to her? She wasn’t one to care about others when her village was so precariously close to not having a staple 3 meals.

She had many more jobs to go on, she was practically a well-known mercenary that helps the people around this part daily. Greeting each and everyone on the streets as she hurried through the docks, she worried about her next move.

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He messed up. He messed up.

Swearing in his own mind, Andar ran away from the scene. He had leapt instinctively feeling he got a chance, but the woman was faster than he thought. Worse, damn Captain Black Stache chose that moment to get out of his cabin.

He would be confidence against a noble. Against the captain? For what, a box? Not a chance.

Distracted by such thought, Andar didn’t see where he go. He makes a sharp turn toward a wider street… And collides with a woman.

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The two collide, and Faris stumbles backwards, managing to regain her balance before she fell down. Good thing she wasn’t older, a fall wouldn’t be too welcome for profit.

“Hey you! Watch where ya going!”

This will spoil my clothing! It took me half a year of saving when I was a wee young adult!
Her little purse of not much brilders jingled, while her mercenary proof dangled on her left wrist.

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