The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

“Failure to provide any evidence of your claims will result in a case of piracy to your disbenefit. You will be tried under the neutral court between our two lands.”

Buk gives a deadpan. “You don’t have any identification, do you?”

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“Ah, but you are wrong there captain. In order for this not to be an act of piracy, then this box would have to belong to him in the first place, which it didn’t.”

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“What I mean to say is that you committed an act of piracy because you have provided no evidence to your claims of rightful ownership.”

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Zynx slowly walks towards the butler

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“Why, you would put your own subordinate on trial? I said I would pardon this incident, but very well, if that’s what brings justice.”

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Zynx whispers to the butler

“Run as soon as the captain is distracted, and go call the navy here”

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“Then you must go on trial as well, considering you have just claimed your guilt in the claiming of the parcel. Considering my legal immunities, it would be best for all parties to just give me the damn thing. Less all of you want to live in a dungeon.”

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“Inside this box are my scrolls, and I can prove it to you if you just put down that crossbow.”

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“Hand the parcel over, and you will be pardoned of your crimes of assault and theivery.”

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“Really? It looks to me like your compatriots were about to run away. Why else would they whisper to each other. They surely aren’t planning something underhanded are they?”

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“I-If you claim to know that the b-box has scrolls inside, t-then surely you know w-what they say.”
He gives off a shaky grin hoping that his idea works.

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“Excuse me? I never said any such thing and you would be wise to stop making false accusations if you value your relationship with the king.”

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“I don’t think you’re one to talk about underhanded.

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“Would you happen to know what they say yourself?”

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He grins once he hears what the lad said. He then shifts his gaze to the noble. “If they are yours, you surely would know what they said?”

“By claiming that my man was guilty with no proof to back up your ownership you claimed your guilt to me.”

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“I-I asked your accomplice first, let h-him answer.”

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“That is…unimportant to the matters at hand.”

“We are determining whether that noble has rightful ownership over the parcel or not. He has laid claim to knowing the scrolls’ contents, but has not proved that claim.”

“For that reason, I assume his guilt in the matter.”

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“Butler, put the box down and walk back. We don’t need to put our heads in their matter”

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The butler puts the box on the ground near the middle of the docks and walks away slowly

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“Captain… s-should I…?”

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