The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

He looks at the flag, not recognizing it, and thinking it would be safer if they didn’t got the book out now.
“Marian, go interact with them. I will overlook in case anything happens. Don’t even mention the hideout, the book or Corax”

“Alright, Nick, let’s see what they have to offer.”
Marian walks over towards the campsite keeping caution just in case anyone tries to ambush her.

One particular crewmate, one you know as a mid-ranking Sailor, appears to be visibly angered by your statement.
“Pah!” He spits in your direction, kicking the ground with his boot.
“What if we need to turn heel and get outta there? What’s the point of attacking the Blue Dragon?”

“They’re going to be protecting the King from any impact that comes his way, now I don’t want to harm them either, but it’s necessary to avenge Buk once and for all.”

Opening the case, you can immediately spot a dead body, likely the guard from before. Blood still spills from his neck. The stench drives the cat clambering out of your vicinity to get out. It exits the caravan.

You can also see cases of varying sizes. Most of the ones near the door are shoddy and uninteresting. The ones close to yours are ornate, with some being embroidered. In the back, you can also spot something truly strange: a half opened case with a glimmer peeking forth.

Marian finds the place mostly abandoned. She then hears the blow of a horn.

“INVADERS!” Comes a battle cry. They were in unfriendly territory.

“I’m not asking what we’re doing. I’m asking WHY we are giving up a perfectly fine relation with the Blue Dragon just for…PETTY REVENGE!”

The Sailor is livid, his speech raw and rage filled. He stomps on the ground, trying to gain the focus of his compatriots.

Cedar looks directly at the Sailor with eyes that seem to be contain a little bit of anger.
“I’m dead certain the King has something up his sleeve. First he killed the Captain, then he’s going to kill the rest of us! And his people are mindless bodies of flesh eager to obey his every word. There are already council members wanting for us to be exterminated even if we did nothing wrong. Ya see, our relationship has been broken for a while now and it’s time we show them the big mistake they made.”

Marian tries to look for some cover to avoid any projectiles that might come her way.

He approaches, trying to hide himself in the shadows but not making it much concern. Protecting her was much more of.

“And at what cost? We cut off trade with one of our main providers! If anything, in avenging the Stache we kill ourselves! You fragrantly disregarded the man’s dying wish, and now you’ve got all our necks in the guillotine!”

The sailor raises his fist.

Marian sees patches of shrubbery which she could presumably hide behind.

She also sees a few trees which could prove to be valid cover.

In any case, she can hear the racing steps of many people. More than three for sure, but you’re not sure how many more.

Upon noticing the dead body, Lily lets out a small “Eep!”

About to follow her cat, she moves toward the exit(door?) before noticing the glimmer, pausing for a second before moving closer to get a better look at it.

I’ll be quick, she thinks. He won’t notice, hopefully.

(Bad decision alch strikes again)

You feel like you are hidden to oncoming attention if combatants were to arrive on the scene.

Your compatriot, on the other hand, appears to be in much more dire straights. They are completely in the open and exposed.

You can see five men in the distance. They wield blades. You can also hear one coming from the way you approached the site. He was likely preplanted there.

Getting more enraged, Cedar pulls out his sword from his belt and points it towards the sailor.
“Do ya not understand that we can make new connections? In losing an ally, we gain another! The Golden Dragon also have plenty of resources and firepower to aid us in whatever we need. If ya siding with the Blue Dragon, then ya shall die like the rest of them!”

Cedar’s voice is unusually deep in tone and scorn as he feels hatred deep inside of him.
“Do I make myself clear?”

Marian rushes towards the shrubbery and hides in it.

(Roll a d20)

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 16

He thinks it was not sufficient cover. What was the girl doing. He looks at the men with blade and approach her hiding spot.
“It would be better to run”, he whispers.

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