The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

Before reaching the brush, you notice an almost invisible string spanning from tree to tree.

It looks sharp.

However, the footsteps are getting louder. They are almost here, but cannot immediately be seen.

Marian takes Nicholas’ advice and runs around the area where the string is tied so she will not come into contact with it.

“No, not this way. Flee.”
He follows, unaware of the strings.

“Kill me then. I’m not dying by your infernal noose, demon.” He spat.

“They will know the truth. They are all watching us now.” He signals to the crew gathered in patient nervousness toward the feud. Not sure what side to choose, jeers and glances dart around under the deck.

Finished the gathering, each goes to their own ways. Vilhelm goes on a short walk to find Richard, encountering him in a corridor.
“Oh, here you are.”

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@Mercenary @PoisonedSquid

Marian successfully avoids the strings, running to their source. She doesn’t realize the threat racing toward her, though.

Nicholas sees a woman in armor racing toward Marian with some sort of blade attached to a rope. They don’t notice, however, the string right under their foot.

He looks at the woman, quickly pushing Marian by her arm and taking her on the arms while seeking another way.

Moving closer to the glimmer coming from the case, once again the driver can be heard yelling.

However, you can see…gold. The case shimmers, filled to the brink with the stuff.

He walks towards the Sailor with no sound and continues to do so until the tip of his scimitar barely reaches the guy’s neck.
“Ya know the rules on this ship. Insubordination and rebellion will result in death. Do ya still defy me?”

“The rule on insubordination was a Stache special. His word commanded the authority for that to mean anything.”

“Unlike you.”

“You’ve done nothing in his stead but continue to defecate on any measure of civility, safety we one had. Now we are stuck in an oncoming calamity set to wipe us out. It’s all because of your corruption. I saw that black rose!”

Richard waves or does whatever nobles do when they meet each other.

“What did you think of the Lionheart? Do you belueve his story?”

You step directly onto one of the strings, making a gash on your foot when moving past it.

“It doesn’t truly matters what I believe… It matters what Laus believes. I couldn’t convince him not to step up”
He again talked in a calm way, even if you could read he was anxious.

Deciding not to get a flame because it would call for attention, he tries to ignore the pain as he keeps walking, blood dropping both inside his boots and both alongside the way. Time to pray there aren’t more of those.

Lily, sensing that it wouldn’t be wise if she lingered too long, throws a handful of gold and an ornate box before dashing out of the caravan.

“Thanks for the ride!”

(what’s the scene?)

“The people will likely rebel then, too afraid that he will end up like his father, and too afraid of the stranger to put their trust in him. This war doesn’t help either, no, you are definitely the best candidate here. We just need to make them see it.”

His eyes light up as he starts plotting. You’re just glad that he’s plotting for you.

“Hmm… I have an idea that might work.”

You exit the caravan to enter an alleyway. It’s dirty, disgusting, and most definitely the place you wouldn’t want to be.

The driver confronts you before you leave.

“Eh. Sorry bout dat chap. But just one thing…did ya take anythin? If so, it’s yer last chance before bad things happen.”

He gestures the slitting of a throat with his finger. Some nearby men eye you, watching to see what you do.

“Me? Take anything? Why would I take anything after all you’ve done for me?”

She discreetly looks for an opening while talking, trying not to let the dirt and stench get to her.

(can i roll to bluff lol, my bluff is at 100 :wink:)

The woman is catching up to you due to her injury now as you are attempting to get away. Any longer and they might be in range to hit you with that nasty weapon of theirs.
