The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

“Ya mean the rose stained by the Captain’s blood?! It’s for honoring what he has done for us and yet ya see it for an organization that has caused more harm than good… Ya deserve what’s coming next.”
He pushes the sword deep into the sailor’s neck with distaste in his eyes.

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 15

“What is it?” He almost gasps in a silent animosity as he saw you plotting something over for him, searching aroung for any room for the two to enter. The eastern halls were it.

The driver and the nearby men look at you funny, but decide that you probably weren’t lying. You may now go as you please.

He tried to switch the girl over only one arm, at this time basically throwing her over the shoulder while holding with only one. He looks back, and lighten up the now free hand.
“You don’t want to fight me”, he warns at a high volume of voice.

Richard glances around, making sure that no one was listening it.

The crowd looks upon the execution with horror. A man opposing the captain was killed by the man himself?

The sailor’s body falls to the ground in a rage, his fist still clenched even as he drew his last breath.

None would step forward, but the very thought of corruption afoot pinged their minds for a moment.

He does the same, sitting by a bench.
“Here, here” He invites you to sit near “So… What would be it?”

Lily darts out of the alleyway, glad that she didn’t have to fight them. She looks around for her cat.

Whew, that could’ve gone horribly wrong.

The woman takes no heed of the warnings, instead retorting with an accusation.
“You’ve infiltrated our territory then turned heel when we seemed to confront you. You won’t get the chance to breathe for that.” She says preparing to cast her weapon with deadly force.


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She can’t find the cat at all. No matter where she looks, it just…vanished.

under his breath. “While we may not be able to convince them, I’m sure that if we sow enough distrust and rumors among the citizens, we can easily get them to rebel. We will ‘accidentally’ slip rumors among the maids and the butlers, tarnishing their reputation as leaders while boosting yours. The common folk will riot for you to be king, and I doubt that they will be able to do anything about it.”

Cedar finally comes into terms of what he has done and starts to feel guilt. He needs time alone.
“I’ll be in my quarters if ya need me.”
He walks down a level and enters his quarters. He sits in his chair and begins to shake.
“W-W-What have I done? I-I killed an innocent man!”

You can see the Black Rose from before. The very thing that sent you upon this crusade in the first place.

“Cat…? Are you there? Drats, I should have named him… or her…”
She curses herself for her greed.
“Ugh how could I have lost you already…”
Hoping that the cat will find her eventually, she heads toward the castle.

Faris spends her time, with her wallet jingling. Throughout the few days, she had amassed quite a number of jobs, and had completed the last of them.

Now, city people ain’t all that bad. They pay way more too.

The word hellspawn chills him by the spine, suddenly realizing what type of enemy they were going against.
“I have manipulated the girl into coming with me, leaving her with the role of my hostage now. Finish that spell, and her neck is off. You decide.”
Good thing she seemed young. It added drama.

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Marian realizes that maybe if she can talk sense into the woman, maybe she’ll stop chasing after them.
“We are but travelers of a far away land seeking for a way to find inner tranquility!”

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In the middle of your travels, you notice the cat from before! It’s heading off somewhere, but if you followed it you suppose you could catch up to it.