The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

:game_die: 10

You stumble a bit as you run, eventually tripping over a log. You can see the clearing. Itā€™s close, but the beast will probably catch you if you keep going and donā€™t find a place to hide.


ā€œSure. 3 now, 2 after you hear the information.ā€

Andar grins. The demon business isnā€™t too bad business.

He takes a seat on the smaller table.
ā€œOne of the benefits of peace is not having to live forever with a chick you didnā€™t ask for when you basically just hoped off childhood just to hold bondsā€
Single nobles at 30. Hell yes.
(Iā€™ll go sleep ~

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The paladinā€™s anger is seething. SEETHING. He pulls out some coins, revealing eight in his hand.

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Pudgy. Sounds about right.

ā€œThis fella was full drunk on, but I doubt Iā€™ll meet another person as disgusting as 'imā€

She sighs.
ā€œHe invited me to festivities, in a drunken stupor, damn right a lady would decline that.ā€

ā€œBut he ainā€™t taking kindly to that. He started rambling about how nice he was and told me to Come to Papa.ā€

She crosses her arms.
ā€œOf course, I ainā€™t taking any of that shit, so I left as I could, but he was in the way. So I decided to step around him. But poor fella was so drunk, he fell while trying to catch me.ā€

She shrugs.
ā€œMusta fell hard, drunkā€™ards can be surprisingly stupid.ā€

Lillian scrambles up, ignoring the dirt and scratches and attempts to climb up a tree, still breathing heavily and praying that the beast canā€™t climb.

ā€œIā€™ll take whatā€™s offered, I guess,ā€ Andar says, feeling heā€™s walking on a thin path now.

ā€œThe demonā€™s went up to me as Dawson. He wanted me to procure a certain object within one night. He offered to pay me 80 silver for my trouble, plus 1 gold and 30 silver for preparation.ā€

Andar sits down, laying against a tree. He doesnā€™t feel so drunk anymore and the wooziness set in.

ā€œThe time frameā€™s almost impossible. He wants me to fail so he can get my soulā€¦ or something like that.ā€

Upon hearing what she had to say, the guardā€™s face flashes with guilt.

ā€œOhā€¦sorry. Well, you can be on your way then. I can believe that being the case.ā€

He gets out of Farisā€™s way.

ā€œIn any case, do you have any idea on where the innkeeper went? His wife was seriously worried when he didnā€™t show up to their cottage at any point in the night.ā€

ā€œWhat was that certain object?ā€

(alright gn merc)

Richard and Vilhelm chat merrily for the better part of an hour before finishing up and retiring to their rooms.

The innkeeper?

ā€œSorryā€¦ ainā€™t got a clue. Last I saw 'im, he gave me a cup of ale.ā€

ā€œā€¦oh. My job just got a significant load harder.ā€

ā€œThat,ā€ he points to the paladin. ā€œis something thatā€™s better discussed with someone ranked higher in a location safer. Youā€™re a Blue Dragon, right? Knight- no, maybe a Paladin?ā€

Lillian climbs to a mid section of the tree. There is more foliage if she were to shimmy to the right but she can hear the buzzing of some insects coming from that direction.

ā€œIā€™ll send ya news if I find 'im.ā€
She leaves for the forest.

ā€œI am assisting the Blue Dragon, yes. But I am not strictly apart of them. You would do well to learn that we are here solely to complete our mission to defend the realm from the corrupting influences of sinister deities.ā€

ā€œTell me what was the certain object. That is the only thing I wish to learn more about.ā€

(so iā€™m hanging on the tree truck right? there are branches to the left and to the right, right has more foliage but has insects probably, left has no insects but less foliage?)

He shrugs as she leaves.
ā€œI hate my job.ā€

Faris arrives at the forest.