The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

Zynx thinks to herself.

“He is obviously guilty because he was at the same spot as where the camp was but he didn’t do anything that bad. Knights are stupid anyways.”

She then speaks to the guard

“He was at the docks the whole time tho. How could he be at the camp location?”

(Talking about Addison btw)

(yep. but you have your feet on some braches so you won’t fall when you shimmy.)

“I beg your pardon? Are you insinuating that I’m in fact an idiot?”

Silence. For a while, Andar contemplates whether to squeeze more silver from the Paladin or tell the truth. The demon business might be good business, but as the Paladin said, it’s also dangerous.

“Scrolls,” he finally says. “if you want to know the details, I need to meet someone higher up.”

“I am but the Arm of the Lord’s will. We were dispatched from the opposite side of this mass of land. If you are looking for a ‘higher up’, I’m afraid you will not be able to meet them easily.”

Only a fool would risk the insects. As such, Lillian only has two options left. Shimmy to the left, or attempt to climb higher. Unsure about her tree climbing skills and the fear in the back of her mind that a smaller branch could break under her weight, she shimmys to the left and tries to find a large enough branch to sit on. (close to the trunk)

“Are you really doubting my judgement? Do you know who I am?”

“It’s of no matter to me to learn where the next noble comes from, or what they say.”

“I’ve been ordered against it.”

“I can tell you that man was at the docks the whole time so there is no way he could have been at the camp.”

“I need documented evidence or unbiased testimony in order to believe you.”

“What are you saying this guy did anyways?”

To her luck, Lillian finds a convenient branch to sit on. Nice!

She can now see that the beast was in fact a bear. The tar is splattered on it’s face, and it can’t see well at all. It can still smell her somewhat though due to her potions.

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“Treason. Conspiring against the crown.”

“Why do you care?” The guard raises a brow.

“Well, no loss on my part.”

He should probably approach the baron some time soon.

“My Butler can verify that this guy was at the docks and my butler never lies! Also what has the guy ever done to conspire against the crown?”

“I cannot let an innocent man go to jail on my watch!”

“You expect me to believe that YOUR butler wouldn’t lie to help your case?” He smirks, for the first time breaking his neutral disposition.

“And I somehow completely doubt that your intentions are noble at all.”

“I can tell my butler to get father immediately if you want to continue this chat.”

“Thank you. I now bid my leave.” He gives the remaining coinage to Andar, then turns to leave.

Zynx turns to the other carefree Knights there

“Can you guys tell this man to stop digging himself his grave, and let go of this innocent man”.

Lillian takes out a waterskin and drinks from it, trying to slow down her heart rate.

“Hey there little guy… Why’d you chase me? I was just walking around. Scaring people like that isn’t nice, you know.”

Talking to animals now? The fall must’ve gotten to her head.