The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

Andar’s stench from all this traveling without a good bath left him completely obvious to the bear. The bear roars in his direction recognizing his presence.

“Why is my luck so bad tonight?”

And he starts running. Taking lesson from the girl, he looks for a tree suitable to climb and hide from the bear’s attack.

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 16

Andar climbs a nearby tree with incredible speed and grace despite his fatigue. If bears couldn’t climb trees this would have been the best escape he’d ever made.

“Well, not the help I expected, but thanks anyway!”

Using the man’s distraction, Lillian shimmies down the tree and attempts to run to the town before the bear realizes that she’s not on the tree anymore.

(roll a d20)

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 2


(aw fuck)

@shurian 2

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

When attempting to shimmy down the tree, Lillian is accosted by bees. In her flailing she accidently falls off the tree onto the ground below.

The leaves break most of the fall but she is hurt. The bear heard her fall.

“Maybe not so bad of luck after all,” Andar mutters to himself.

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Awakening after a short nap in the forest, he got up and started to move. He had lost sight of Addison before he’d conked out but at least he was alone now… Well, with his companions near. His movements soon slowed since his bear was a lot more incapacitated than before “Someone is going to pay for this… I swear” As he moved he went through the area where the cultist circle was before

As suddenly as he had started to move, he realised his bear had ran off towards some poor folk as he sighed and shook his head moving back towards them “Well well… What do we have here?”


Having the wind knocked out was not a fun experience…

As soon as Lillian can, she uncaps the vial with the crimson potion, guzzling it down while using her other hand to pick up the things she dropped. (some berries, right?)

(let me [or Cheesy] describe location changes for the future)

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Lillian’s wounds start to heal, slowly. The internal bleeding stopped.

The bear seems transfixed on the berries.

Andar slowly climbs down. The bear doesn’t pay him any attention, right?

Due to slowly climbing down, Andar does not suffer the chance of hitting the ground. They get down as the bear completely ignores them.

(he can see now?)

As soon as Lillian recovers enough, she throws a second tar pot at the bear and grabs the berries, throwing them into her bag and running toward the town. Again. Hopefully they won’t fall out this time.

“I hope these berries” pant “are worth it… Stupid bear…”

(tar mostly wore off, yeah)

The bear roars in pain. Again. It most definitely did not like tar and glass in its face for the second time just as it was wearing off.

Lillian should be able to escape if she runs immediately.