The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

Lillian runs toward the direction of the town as soon as the bottle leaves her hands.

She feels a bit of guilt at harming the bear but hey, he’s the one who started it, right?

Andar runs. The girl does not concern him, but she too, heads toward Adiart.

You run.

( @Damafaud ) You also run.


Zynx goes to where her father is

(Big surprise I know)

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“I’m blaming you for this,” Andar says after running for a while.

Lillian slows down slightly, allowing her to catch her breath, although she’s still panting quite heavily.

“Fair enough.”

Both of you are almost out of the forest. The trail that leads to Adiart is very close, within sight. You can still hear the roaring bear from behind you.

(The trail is 50 feet away)

@MaximusPrime @Damafaud

Andar starts running again, hearing the roar of the bear.

“Got anymore bomb like the one you threw back there?”

Lillian, likewise, picks up speed as well.

“I’m out. That was my last one.”

(maybe we can just simply outrun angery untrained bear?)

(honestly i’m fucking surprised that the bear hasn’t ran into a tree yet)

(yes, he can smell, but he has no sight atm)

Both Andar and Lillian make it out onto the trail. Down the trail can be seen a caravan.

The bear is still in its pursuits despite tripping over a branch at one point.

(He’s been rolling extremely well)


“You don’t mind me dragging someone else down with us, right?”

Andar turns on his feet and heads for the caravan instead.

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Lillian stays silent, saving her breath for running, but she follows the stranger, assuaging her conscience with cheap statements.

Better them, than me, right? Besides, they have horses. They can outrun the bear.

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Lillian and Andar make it to the caravan with barely any time to spare. It seems to be stopped. The driver waves out to you, seeing that you are being tailed by a bear. He calls for you to get onto the back.

The bear still charges toward the group. You’ll need to act quickly or it will catch up.

Andar jumps to the back of the carriage. He lands a bit hard on his elbow, rewarding him some bruises.

“Shouldn’t have drink so much tonight.”

Tadah timeskip you all are at Adiart

Bear can’t catch up yadda yadda

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Marian stands nearby the Black Stache Memorial fascinated by the structure of the building. She decides to enter inside.

“Hah… so much for a bath. Thanks for the ride.”

Andar thanks the driver as he jumps off the back. He’s tired, he’s sober, he’s hurt. Time to to clean up and sleep. He makes his way to Stag Crown.