The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

Cedar’s finally able to get back on his two feet, but he realizes that he’s surrounded by Zynx and her butler and begins to panic.
“Does it look like I have time to answer that question?!”

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Richard finally catches up

To the captain “That box in his hands is stolen, and we kindly ask for you to give it to us.”

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Zynx shouts
“Can any of you hellnuts call the Navy here?”

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“It certainly doesn’t belong to ya either, Rick. The contents of this box can make Adiart a better place. It should never fall into the wrong hands.”
He shows a bit more confidence in his face and voice while his grip is tighter.

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The First Mate gives a deadpan to this utterly shit situation. He had to act fast or opportunity could be lost. Or even worse, he could be sharkfood for this.

The First Mate unsheathes a blade stepping forward.

“Ya TWERPS. Get away from the lad or else I’ll cut yer balls off!” He yells.

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“Richard, you know how to fight?”
Zynx asks

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“And you! If you take one step forward not even your noble status will save ye.”

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Richard reveals the sword hidden in his umbrella and points it at the first mate in response

“Oh my, and here I thought we had a treaty.”


“Knew he would fall,” said Andar again to himself.

The squabbles between the ship dwellers and chasers intensifies. Looks like one of the chaser is even a noble. It looks like something big is going around. And when something big goes around, there’s money for the leeches.

Andar, being a leech, walks closer to the ship. To those not focused at the fight, his hooded figure, standing watch in the rain is nothing short of conspicuous.


The First Mate takes a step back, regaining his composure.

“And that treaty said, section 3a, that this dock is neutral territory by the law. You’ve threatened the life of my mate, and in doing so have squandered that law”

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While everyone is distracted, Zynx signs her butler to steal the box from Cedar’s hand

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(what pirate memorizes the treaty)

“Why anyone with eyes can see that he fell of his own accord, not that you seem to have both, and you can’t seriously be ignorant enough to not realize that he stole the box. Hell, he even said it himself.”

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While Cedar remains silent, he notices a figure sneaking up behind him and attempts to perform a dodge to avoid it.
“Excuse me, gentleman! I respect privacy around here!”

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“And yet you and your…company chased him here all this way. I remember a cry for help from him until I arrived.”

“I would expect someone of your…propriety to understand that.”

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The butler gets back to blocking Cedar again

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It is very unusual for low water thugs to be interested in politic, seeing that the ability to read is already a marvel to them. Andar, too, wouldn’t have any interest in politic if not for the fact that his mother force him to learn it.

He could not hear everything, but he, curious, slowly shortens the distance between him and the group.

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“I didn’t steal it! It was right next to me while I was looking for artifacts! Finders keepers, they always say, do they?”
He keeps a close eye on the Butler for any sudden movements.

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“And to that length, I tell all of you savages to leave before the cap’n arrives.” He says pointing directly at the Noble.

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“He would have no need to feel threatened had he not stolen it. I’m sure you wouldn’t tolerate thievery either now, would you? Or perhaps you forgot the treaty already?”

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“Ah, I’m sure you pirates wouldn’t know this, but we do not tolerate any type of piracy here, treaty or no.”

(with the sword or with a finger or a hook or what)

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