The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

Andar chuckles. Now that he was closer, he recognises the man demanding the package as Lord Richard, a noble of Blue Dragon. Insulting a noble to his face is a bold move in itself. Oh, if only he could do that without being imprisoned.

He is now a short distance from the group, watching the exchange of words and leaps like a spectator would.

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The First Mate, grinned outwardly, then chuckled. “And what did they even steal? Are you just trying to frame a lad who picked up something off the ground?”

“That’s low. Even for you bootlicking fatcats.”

(with a cutlass)

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“Pass me the box, Cedar”

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“I always want to hear someone say that outloud.”

Andar pulls off his hood, grinning wildly. The exchange will be good for two weeks worth of rumours.

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(boy this tub of lard is blinder than a bobcat with his eyes gouged out)


Zynx blocks Cedar from doing so

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@discobot roll 1d20

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:game_die: 2

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To the first mate “I’m sure you would understand why I don’t associate with your kind. Empty threats don’t work against me.”

To Cedar “Cedar, kindly return the box that you stole or I shall have you all thrown in prison.”

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In attempting to throw the box to the First Mate, Cedar spectacularly slips when when throwing, dropping the box two feet from him. He lands hands first on the ground.

That’s going to bite.

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“P-Pick it up… quick.”
His voice is staggered as he withers in pain from the fall.

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“And to you, noble. I’ll have you know the cap’n is right here” He says with a toothy grin.

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Zynx reaches for and picks up the box that fell

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A chance.

Andar leaps for the box too, tackling Zynx down if she holds it.

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Thank Mithras

Noticing Andar lunging for the box, Richard attempts to block him from reaching it with his rapier.

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The rain cinematic-ally stops immediately once a loud pounding sound is heard on the boat. The captain of Xed, Black Stache, has arrived. He stands on the starboard, overlooking the conflict. He stares with a glare that could kill.

“What in GOD’S name is happening?”

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With a bit of contempt “Your subordinate stole this box, Captain, and I was hoping that I could get it back.”

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“I-I didn’t steal it! I found i-it while I was digging for treasure in the f-forest!”

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Richard still has his rapier pointed at the First Mate

“I know that a pirate wouldn’t know this, but ‘found’ is no longer synonymous with the word ‘stole.’”

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Raising a brow, he brandishes THE crossbow. “It’s just as I figured.”

Glaring at Cedar. “Laddie. You have a great intention, but I must admit that you don’t even understand what you are doing.”

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