The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

“It’s crucial…? I was taught by a paladin before and we had to read some scriptures from past cult books along with notes from captured unseen members. It’s been a good while but what will be will be. I have no way to really rush while I cannot see” In his mind he kept talking to the God, the only problem was in order to see he knew that he’d have to let the God enter his mind and control that part for now. An inner conflict which made him reach up and hold his head in pain

“Yes. You don’t need any other type of reference in those places. I am guiding you and the runes tell what should be done, even if your foolishness couldn’t get their greater point” She senses them a really attractive and whirlwinded energy coming from inside the man and pressed his hand. That was good. Very good.

“So you believe in the Unseen? I thought it was some conspiracy shit to relieve the weight from the shoulders of the nobles - who killed this other noble? Well, sure it was the Unseen. They can’t even speak out about their own assassins to fight amidst themselves, and are too ashamed to claim those conflicts.”

“Believe in the Unseen? I witnessed them first hand, I even eliminated many of them and yet they always seem to come back. I was taught when there were two groups, the Black Rose and the Unseen. Eventually they merged when the mastermind of the Unseen proved themselves superior to the other group under the name Unseen. They’re powerful, filled with ruthless killers and people who are ready to strike in any walk of life. Very convincing normally since they don’t have many visible differences unlike your group”

Gripping her hand tightly as she pressed it he tried to focus on something to keep him calm. The runes… At least they’re visible even if they’re hard do decipher “I know you are guiding me and that I should look to these runes for any reference, you don’t need to tell me. I can say them as clear as anything else, it’s amazing! What do you want me to do?”

Back in the forest, A man at the top of the woods has finished writing something in a book.
“And that does it.”
He sighs.
"Incredibly boring today. Why am I stationed here? Adiart Forest is very sparse in activity, but Sir insisted
“Just in case.”
“Just some girl and dude playing some game. Why can’t I be stationed closer to the capital? No matter, I’ll get paid anyway.”
The man silently leaps from tree to tree, carrying his book and equipment.

She eyerolled again, apparently forming opinion on you to be an extremist of some sorts. Perhaps, if she could work on changing your mindset, they could gain a very loyal one. She perceives with bitterness that the talk about the Unseen had drifted the gods away from your mind, for it slightly making a cut at the base of your neck that you felt and pressing three fingers from the hand with a rune.
“Come, manifest.”

The man arrives back in Adiart secretly.

The sharp sudden pain from the cut made him gasp slightly and think of a way to get away if everything went too badly for him from there on “Manifest? What is happening?” Trying to understand what was happening was very difficult for him with so much going on, at least he was able to speak clearly and he’d realised that speaking about other things helped to get rid of the whispers even if it was for mere moments, perhaps using that could stop her plans, making the gods seem to leave and not come back

If your head previously was in pain, the feeling now was almost too incapacitating to be able to do anything besides contemplating the feeling of having your head split apart in agony. You were now in the floor of a room that was also marked with what probably was the greatest rune of the place that you didn’t know the purpose of, it shining on your view at an offuscating rate. She didin’t press your hand harder because of you, after all. She did it because she sensed now the turmoil was going, and the cult leader didn’t like to see it interrupted.
The whispers also increased ofc.

Hearing the whispers return, in increasing number and magnitude it caused him to push the other thoughts out of his mind. The rune also glistening as he started to completely zone out, it was a whole new level, something he’d never experienced before and yet it was amazing “The voices are back and I can see… The runes glowing again. This is fascinating, if this is the will of your gods then something is right, something is good even if I cannot say that out loud. How do I hide the voices when I’m around my fellow Blue Dragon? It would be bad if I was suspected”

This went way differently than she thought. The possibility that it was all an act was out of cogitation, as he didn’t once show sign of pain as before. The most likely thing was that his inner demons were possessing him or something, pretending to be. However breaking this chant would also break the blinding effect, and it couldn’t be done before the discovered the exact meaning of the sign of the marking.
Of course, she needed Henry to truly do that. Even if she had the insights, he was the seeker.
“Would you care for disappearing for one or two days? Just to know.”

(Pallys intensify)

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“D…Disappearing? I have my animals to care for. I could always come find you once they get better if that would be useful” His main concern above all else was his companions… How was his poor tarred bear faring? They needed nurturing else they could become wild and savage. Starting to struggle, fighting for his companions he was fighting back and forth in his mind, the whispers adding to the problems “This experience has been… Very mystifying to say the least”

“I can’t simply let you now. Too bad.”
She looked around the scenario. A corpse rotting in heavy decomposition that someone forgot to take out before, now filling the room with a putrid smell. Some cages, for both animals and people. Both oppositing walls had a pair of handcuffs to hold a ritual target at the middle, usually sacrifices or invocations of gods. To a shelf was some commonly used books. It wasn’t everything, just the main room. It continued down a corridor carved in dirt and stone, as was the room.
She dragged the hunter as far to lock both of his hand at one side of the wall, he being unable to feel the coldness of the metal.
“I should be back at the given timespan.”

“N…No please don’t do this. Just let me go, I’ll be good. I can’t really see anyway, so I can’t do anything to harm you” He pleaded as he begun to cry, the room feeling nothing like the areas where he was comfortable. He was able to hide it in before but with his companions back in his mind it was a struggle for power and influence, surprised that the lady was being so assertive now from seemingly nowhere “I’ll do anything… Just please let me get back to my animals, that’s all I want. You can come with me or anything… I just need them. It’s what my teacher would want”

“Your teacher would also understand that nothing in this ethereal world is more important than Mithras.”
For the first time for hours, she let go of you. Without her warming contact, you were quickly engulfed by what seemed to be darkness on all your senses — even if you were already blindfolded. The signs esculpted on blood were still visible and now clearer in form, not offuscating but resting.

She walked upstairs, without sound of that. What was left now was your conscience, the uneasy feeling of the floor, the scripts and the whispers. The damned whispers.

Silence… At least based on typical hearing that is, no pain or suffering but no happiness left to feel. With no senses available it was just emptiness. The voices in his head still battling like a raging war, his companions trying to fight against the call of the gods, even if he shouted, he wouldn’t be able to hear himself. Was there any way out? Without vision it made it incredibly hard to tell “Help!! Someone help me! A cultist has captured me and won’t let me out!” All he knew was that he had to find a way… Any way to make himself seem a less desirable convert target. Perhaps if he slandered the gods it would work… If he continued to deny them or just call her delusional. Something had to happen and fast otherwise there’d be no escape “Your final word to me was Mithras? Such a fake thing… It’s almost shameful that you’d do that. I knew that everything you said was false. You really think I have no access to the outside as a hunter? It’s a shame really. Perhaps if there truly was a god you’d know that the Blue Dragon will never lose.”

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You didn’t knew if she already left the place, simply ignored or couldn’t reply to you anymore, but all that remained was silence.
Now it was time to find Henry.
(If you want so you can have things as the whispers growing/whispering certain things or the headache back).

As the whispers continued all he heard was a voice calling out to him, telling him to abandon everything and join the cult. He knew it must be from the god and yet all he could do was deny everything, perhaps if he refused all the time, he’d be fine… There must be something that he could do, with that tiny bit of hope left he clung onto it. “Why is this happening? I trusted you and listened… Please just let me out, I’ll be good. I’m not asking to see, just remain unchanged. My companions are the one truly important thing in this ethereal realm to me”

After riding on the horses in silence for a good while, Richard makes an offhand comment, more for the sake of talking than anything.

“Looks like it might get a bit windy today.”

“Probably rain. Water hadn’t fallen for a good while as I believe, by the aridness of the air. Or maybe it’s just summer. I wish we could just skip this phase of the year to live forever in spring.”