The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

Faris finds a smith after some searching. She finds a smithing shop on a street corner.

(No shield)

Trying not to be hit by an angry man with a sword was way more necessary than engaging in discussion.

The guard slices at you in a bloodlust.

Marian grabs the knife she dropped and aims it towards the guards head.

The guardā€™s blade forms a large gash across Nicholasā€™ chest. Not enough to seriously debilitate but he will be severely weakened.

Marian notices that she might have a clear shot at throwing the knife at him with enough accuracy. She throws it aiming for the head.

ā€œRight. Not happening.ā€

Andar goes out of the window. He had picked the room due to itā€™s close proximity to the stableā€™s roof, which gives him easy access out in case someone chases him like this. Time to make use of the escape route.

He nimbly jumps to the stable roof.

@discobot roll 1d20


:game_die: 20


The knife sinks into his skull with a shriek, but he keeps going.

Marian grabs a nearby chair and throws it towards him to hurt the guard or slow him down.

The demon ignores the pain and try to maintain equilibrium by holding at the chair, putting the sword up the guardā€™s maw.

What the- How did- You know what Iā€™ve seen weirder

I suppose you want me to enter the house, then?

Lillian peers through a window to see if she can spot anytihng inside.

In the flash of an eye, Andar is on the roof. The man in mail can only scratch his head in confusion.

ā€œHe was there andā€¦what?ā€

Andar is now completely safe from the man. He definitely canā€™t understand what just happened.

ā€œDid he just fucking jump out? That wasnā€™t expected.ā€

He slinks out of the bar in disappointment.

She enters the smithing shop.
ā€œHoi there!ā€
And she begins to look around.

Lillian looks inside, seeing a woman drinking from a cup. Itā€™s presumably tea but you arenā€™t sure.

ā€œWhy donā€™t you come on inside?ā€ She gestures to you, inviting you inside.

@PoisonedSquid @Mercenary

Your combined assault leads the guard battered, broken, and bleeding.

With blood oozing from his mouth, he makes one last taunt before collapsing.
ā€œThereā€™ll be more, andā€“nex-t t-ime wonā€™tā€“be so easy. You scum willā€“die.ā€

The smith replies with a smile on his face.
ā€œWhatā€™d ya like?ā€

He looks at the corpse.
ā€œThe book has told me not to burn this place. A shame, it would be a convenient way to get those corpses outā€

Seeing he is not followed, Andar climbs down the roof. The stable is full of horses, but he canā€™t leave Adiart just yet. What he goes for instead is the travelling cloak hanging on one wall of the stable.

"Should stay in the safe house for a while, " he says to himself before heading to the slum.

Andarā€™s mind turns and clanks as he walks. By his real identity, does that mean someone discovers who his mother was? The troublesome mother who took on his fatherā€™s last name instead of using her maiden name as common sense goesā€¦

The safe house, as the word safe implies, is a house for when Andarā€™s usual haunt is not safe. He never visit it except for seven times over seven years, each time to store more money and to check the safety.

Andar enters his safe house.