The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

Marian gasps heavily as she stands up whilst sweating.
“Y-Ya know, I think it would have been better to burn the place down, but I guess teamwork works too. Anyway, the book should be free now. Let’s just hope it tells us the nearest abandoned hideout.”

On the way home, Zynx decides to stop at the local Smithing shop. Then Zynx gets out of her carriage and starts looking at the armour staying outside the shop

Lillian holsters(i hope that’s the right word) her crossbow and enters the cottage. However, she doesn’t stray far from the door in case she needs to make a quick exit.

“Thanks for… inviting me.”

She stands there a bit awkwardly, recalling the recent events.

Holding down his body, he looks to the two hits. In the first the clothes were scretched, in the second an open wound could be seen amidst obsidian black skin — at the unnatural side.
“Don’t bring me into a physician. They can’t help me. I will be fine.”
Taking hold in the wall, he gets again to the book

A shifty looking man walks up to the smith and shows him a shovel.

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She looked over at the short swords… though she knew far well she couldn’t afford too much. The swords would have had to wait.

“Mister, make a cast for my sword!”
She picks up her sword and puts it on the counter, though she was just by the sword barrel a moment ago.

A long, thin katana. With seemingly protective layers on it.

“Excuse me for asking, but what about it?” the smith questions. He’s not quite sure of this man’s intentions.

“Maybe a Physician can’t help you, but a Scientist can, let me take a closer inspection of your wounds… wait… what’s with your skin?!”
She runs closer towards the figure still trying to catch her breath.

Entering his safe house, Andar sees that the place is very much run down. Dust coats the floors, spiderwebs hang from corners.

“How much?”, he asks.

She slides a teacup to her.

“It’s on the house.” She says with an honest smile.

(roll a d20)

“I have been burnt out several times, as I have said. Get out.” He pushes her with an arm and looks to see if the book had more to say.

“Oh, it’s around” he scratches his head before giving the answer. “About 10 Silver.”

@discobot roll 1d20

:game_die: 16

Lillian looks at the tea and takes a sniff. Is there any sign of poison/tampering she can detect?

He grunts and hands the smith 10 silver.
The smith is visibly confused, as it seems the man bought his own shovel. He’s not complaining, though. Free silver is free silver.

He picks up the sword, inspecting the craft of it. He’s struggling to put an exact price tag on it, but he acts on his gut.

“That’ll be about 5 Silver” He says with a smile.

There isn’t anything off about the tea that you can see. But instead, there’s something off about the woman. She just has an stench about her that is befuddling. Something is up for sure.

The smith is even more confused. This isn’t making a lick of sense.
“D-did you just?”