The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

It happened I presume?

“Did I what?”

“Why do you want me to leave?! I still need to find out where we need to go next!”
Marian becomes more confused and frustrated towards the figure.

He narrows his glance at the man.
“Er…nothing. It’s fine.”

“Thanks for the tea and all, but who are you?”

Sensing nothing off about the tea, she takes a sip while waiting for the woman to respond.

“Ignore my wounds”
He looks to the book.
“Yes. She is intact.”

He glances down at his hand and sees he’s carrying the shovel.
“Oh, wait. Hang on.”
He gives the shovel to the smith.
“Can I please have my ten silver back? You can keep this.”

The door that the guard was in front of.

There is a ritual table in the cellar of this area, guarded by the Paladin and the guard.

“5 silver? I’ll take it!”
She immediately beams, smacking @Nerbins on his back in joy.

Damned lucky me! I had 5 silver!

“Uh, sure.”
He passes the silver back, taking the shovel.

“Ritual table?! What are you talking about?!”

He takes the silver. “Than-OW! Who did that?!” He looks around in panic, then flees the store, dropping some silver.

That is where you need to go next.

It is quite obvious.

Do you have any other questions?

He takes in both books and lifts himself to open the door, a little trouble handing his own weight.
“To free him”

Zynx sees a man running from the store and yells at him

“Hey, you are dropped some silver! Where are you going!”


Marian looks towards the door and gulps as she walks towards it.

She stares dumbfounded at the man as he runs out of the store. Handing over the remainder of her wallet’s content to the smith.

“Capifolks don’t take kindly to that… huh.”
She picks up the silver.

The smith can only look on in confusion.
“The hell just happened?”
He looks back at the shovel.

“I’m just…” he puts his head in his hands.

This is correct.

“For how much time have you been sealed?” He inquires as he puts the book over the ritual table.