The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

“How many coins would this fine piece happen to cost?”

"I’d appreciate it if you don’t ask too many questions, " says Andar quietly. He has rehearsed the conversation many times in his mind so he wouldn’t slip. “especially with the current situation in the castle.”

Truthfully, Andar has no inkling on what is going on inside the castle. He takes out the royal seal to see by the guard, nevertheless. The castle always have something going on, right?

“Due to the scarcity of drakes in Adiart, I’d estimate it to be worth around 50 silver.”

Seeing the royal seal, the guard scowls, but then regains his neutral disposition.
“The situation in the castle is completely under control. We have had no issues regarding it.”

A man in a blue cape walks out of the gate, seemingly expecting something. The guard motions to him with his gaze still upon Andar.
“Our captain, Haar, will escort you to your destination.”

He looks at the girl again. He always converted in those situations and when he had the opportunity, in the past. What if this time he did so differently? What… Would happen?

You know what.
What would happen was exactly as described by the devil — even if “straying” from the path, he would continue to be a manifestation of Mithras. So nothing would happen.

“He will need two for the ritual. One to scene as the enchanter of the rites and other to scene as the receiver. Care to lie at the table?” He removed the box from it, checking if it had handcuffs or similar.

(the demon character is converting the girl
Sorry I confused you with squid

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“Okay then. Why didn’t the book tell us these other precautions sooner?”
Marian carefully lies down on the table still looking confused.

“Feared we would just ignore it as it would appear to be too much like cult shenanigans, as happened to the people who tried to steal it before in the past from the paladin”

“Is there anything else we need to do that wasn’t told to us?”

“Thank you for your understanding,” he says again. “Prince Lars won’t be expecting me, but please lead me to him.”

It won’t be wise to look for the king immediately. That will certainly guarantee his safety but also gains animosity from the prince, who might feel threatened in his position as the heir of the throne. For that reason, Andar chooses to confront his brother beforehand.

“It may hurt. That’s normal. Try not to scream though”
He searched for something to cover her eyes, and found a gaze exactly made for that. This place was scarily convenient, but not for a demon.

Haar looks upon the newly arrived ‘guest’ to the castle. His expression is a mix of determination, nervousness, and annoyance. You can’t quite read much deeper into that.

He extends a salute. “Of course.”

“I will take you to Prince Lars provided you are unarmed when doing so. Despite the royal sigil, precautions must be taken.” He said with the last sentence having a tone of regret.

“May hurt?! I mean, I guess for a ritual I can expect that, but that doesn’t help me calm down.”
Marian gets even more nervous thinking about what kind of things Nicholas was talking about.

“That is tiny price for such a wonderful item.”

Zynx Pays the vendor and then wears the newly bought item. Then she leaves

Assuming that a timeskip passed it to night, Vilhelm was at some courtyard taking tea. He already talked with Lars to convince him not to step. By tomorrow, the crown should be mine.

“Thank you for your patronage.” He smiles, waving.

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“Also you will need to be blinded and what moooore” He pretends to read on the book while putting it around your eyes.

“Of course.”

Andar swipes his cloak aside, revealing the short sword and scabbard. He hands the sword in. Then he takes the dagger from his left boot. He lets the guard take a look at the content of the burlap sack.

“Is this enough to satisfy your concern for safety?”

He stares directly into Andar’s eyes.
“There is one more, isn’t there.”

Now being blinded, Marian tries to calm herself down as the fear in her is getting higher.
“H-How much more until everything is set up?”